- had a lengthy discussion of personal style with my boss. explained serpico to her. her response: “how do you know who serpico is?” #
- my answer: “our beards commune across the reach of time.” #
- @pelargir you’re right. it’s a useless commercial. nothing about the product & not even a very good story… i’d say “stop now.” #
- testing twitter tools on wordpress…. #
- “Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone.” — Octavio Paz #
- Sending from wordpress…. #
- if you can read spanish, here’s the sunstone as it came originally: http://twurl.nl/o4d8q5 #
- new (terrible) poetry up: http://www.paulboccaccio.com/work/ #
- also, started using twitter tools for wordpress. it digests a daysworth of twitter, posts it to the blag, and tweets on each blag posting. #
- revising last week’s story… #
- finished second round of revisions. needs a title. starting to get sick of it; maybe i’ll work on something else. #
- just what i’ve always feared: giant teenage girls. http://twurl.nl/dav4wq oh the horror. #
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