- currently keeping my laptop from overheating by lifting it with three stacks of pocket notebooks and one on-end soda can tab. stay classy. #
- my new answer will be: c’est la guerre. #
- @ryanquattlebaum step 4: PROFIT #
- beautifully creepy photo: http://digitaljournalist.org/issue0811/images/25under25/008.jpg #
- “I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harms way.” — John Paul Jones #
- i crawl the sea in a boat of need, and on my decks the oarsmen bleed #
- wonderful early animation: http://tinyurl.com/57kayx #
- @MichiganTaxes here’s an example of actual video, though strangely backlit: http://tinyurl.com/5loxg9 #
- tomorrow will be a question of, “shall i part my hair behind? do i dare to eat a peach?” #
- @dlmacpherson you’re an animal! what method of scripting do you use? #
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