- *shaving 4* diaspora for the hairs. they scatter all over my sink and await the inevitable towely judgment. weep, o hairlets of babylon… #
- ladies. gentlemen. it is morning again. please note my previous requests, that this not happen quite so frequently. i filled out the form… #
- you just keep on keeping on, jon. http://garfieldminusgarfield.net/post/60870011 #
- the hairs. i have cut them. #
- @smoonen the hairs cut me here too. this is some itchy business under my collar. maybe i keep bit of mother russia hid in my heart? or neck? #
- @tofermoran put on your red shoes and dance the blues #
- let’s spice the lollersauce with bitter herbs. for remembering. #
- i will wear my trousers rolled. and my hair tousled. i will devour a peach. #
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