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Twitter Digest – 2009-01-30

  • Dinner date with dana. Such joy. #
  • just bought a typewriter. remington rand manual. here’s the picture from the ad: #
  • in other news, i now have another case with clasps that smells like old people. #
  • @hmapple thanks for the tip. in return, #
  • typed a trial page of bunk on the remington. if i type too fast, all the metal bits snag on themselves. and the s is loose, so it migrates. #
  • polishing a poem i wrote for my sister. instead of going to sleep. hoping to counteract fatigue with stimulants tomorrow. #
  • to sleep. brain hurts. mold in the new typewriter has forcibly taken my sanity away. hush now. #
  • I need to read more Kipling. Especially aloud. Example: #
  • @tofermoran you think so? i found tweetdeck cumbersome. #
  • @tofermoran you think so? i found tweetdeck crass & plebian; designed with cliche 2.0 froth. reflective black & gray whatsit. #
  • @warrenellis you have to slice them thin & sautee in custard. of course, you could always go back to injecting redbull into your tear glands #
  • @craigmann @tofermoran it’s more the functionality i dislike. too many buttons & windows & frippery. back in my day… #
  • @tofermoran “I have been to the dark side. I have seen a world that no man should see. That portal is mine, and it must be sealed forever.” #
  • book exchange in durham (read: labyrinthine, unorganized, great selection) is going out of business. sad, but $10 per bag sale. score. #
  • in totally unrelated news, all i can think of is the overflowing bag of books in my car, and how long until i can get more. long lunch ftw. #
  • @elleeffect @stonestreet you’re the first people I know to own such things. stephen, your incantation pose in that 2nd picture… wonderful. in reply to elleeffect #
  • @elleeffect 3 floors, shelves 14 ft high, just enough room for one person to walk between, eclectic selection of old books… just sayin. #
  • @elleeffect and caitlin has this wiggity-wuh look going on. hilarious. these things are like monastic felt hospital gowns. #

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