- driving myself insane; all the usual cravings. break for dinner & a movie. community doesn’t fix everything, but it’s good for what ails me. #
- sleeping off a headache. apparently a squid lives in my neck, has woven its tentacles around my skull & tightened them through my sinuses. #
- @vyemoran not in the slightest. sushi is a tasty, tasty gift. good for the soul and the belly. in reply to vyemoran #
- today my job is interesting and fun. and i wrote a bit this morning. other than the continued tension headache, things are swimming along. #
- @tofermoran Cheeky devils. Give them what-for. in reply to tofermoran #
- pretty decent summary of my current quandary. http://tinyurl.com/b7gzvp #
- @elleeffect sorry your night was such garbage. thank God for friends. (and chinese food, and tea, and his other vehicles for grace…) in reply to elleeffect #
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