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Twitter Digest – 2009-02-27

  • ??7%$??] ;}F?A?p?
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  • ?a9? #
  • texting overflow still makes twitter seize up & puke. oh well. had a night of writing with the internet off. i see you all had a good time. #
  • (still writing. i am apparently doing this as slowly as possible. deadline looming.) #
  • @wilw the key point in machine vs human audio is performance. right now machines can’t make or quantify the sorts of choices an actor makes. #
  • “We do not believe you can be trusted to know these things, so we shall know them for you” — philip pullman via @doctorow #
  • @tofermoran seconded. in reply to tofermoran #
  • i’m eating a bagel that tastes like an eggroll. odd. #
  • @mathiasreese some sort of exotic vegetable? i don’t know… also: shrimp bagel = foul. in reply to mathiasreese #
  • @calliepeck dear callie, this thing you like is gross. please stop liking gross things. sincerely, paul. ps. yes, bagels are all the rage. in reply to calliepeck #
  • ran last night (in the road, due to light fail. sorry, frozen northern neighbors). science determines: my ankle is mostly, not 100%, healed #
  • @calliepeck lobster bagels? scallop bagels? calamari bagels? i think i just convinced myself. deep sea bready breakfast for the win. in reply to calliepeck #
  • @schy i’m going to hit the trails in umstead soon. better on the legs than six inches of asphalt shoulder mixed with uneven, shifting dirt. in reply to schy #
  • @mynameis_shoe that house was wonderful. i question the wisdom of planting that tree there, though. maybe a shrub would’ve been better? in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • meetings scheduled during lunch: lose. #
  • @Templesmith My response: “Ok. Then I won’t use the _toilet._” in reply to Templesmith #
  • @elleeffect epic fail meeting over. definitely said some things that came off more smart alecky than i intended. i cry a lone repentant tear #
  • @calliepeck staples, construction paper, and a belt made of corkboard. in reply to calliepeck #
  • @elleeffect you have to get some of my friends’ imported fancy-pants coffee. i think it’s gross, but people who know say it’s swoon-worthy. in reply to elleeffect #
  • @calliepeck you are truly a harder core bustler than i gave you credit for. bustle away. in reply to calliepeck #
  • @tofermoran seconded. in reply to tofermoran #
  • @mynameis_shoe @tofermoran @hmapple i want to eat that lil’ transparent dude like an apple. like a struggling, juicy little apple. in reply to mynameis_shoe #

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