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Twitter Digest – 2009-03-28

  • now i will listen to tom waits’s entire discography in chronological order & write a novel. i have these fine stimulants to aid me. #
  • 9 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon #
  • 20 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon (wishing i was ambidextrous. argh.) now listening to a 1974 radio interview full of live tom waits. all right. #
  • 27 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon bludgeoning inner editor with my now crippled, useless claw of a hand. must get back on track. #
  • 34 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon new record for daily output. more respect for waits’s early stuff also. he is the man & i love him very much. #
  • arggh mp3 player fail. sansa, you pack of dogs. i’ll attempt to free some space, but you must stop saying “can’t make database” or i will— #
  • great sadness. i should’ve checked it. failed 1/4 of the way in, didn’t copy the files. they’re all on another hard drive. waits plan ruined #
  • new plan: nachos. then re-evaluation of pre-nacho Waits plan. can’t give up, consumed too many stimulants for giving up. #gunstreetnovelthon #
  • new plan: listen to “rain dogs” on repeat for the next fifteen hours, or until i lose my mind. back to Pen & Empty Page. #gunstreetnovelthon #
  • @apopa have to say “gun street girl” is my favorite on that album, and “alice” is my favorite album of his, but i’m useless after listening. in reply to apopa #
  • @elleeffect that is a significant number of photos. (i admit, i don’t really know what to do with the dress news. i’m assuming it’s good?) in reply to elleeffect #
  • 39 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon actual production dip, but i had several structure revelations. i can see the novel as a whole now. needs work #
  • 47 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon i hate the section i just wrote (die int. editor die), but about to hit a fun patch. freakshow flashback time. #
  • 56 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon curse my metal body. haven’t yet arrived at fun part. all this building might need to go, b/c it’s boring me. #
  • my glasses are broken (one of the legs/arms/pylons snapped off). i now have a pair of very short range opera binoculars. #
  • in other news: breakfast. then back on the #gunstreetnovelthon train. took a sleep break b/c i was producing nada. but now: onward. upward. #
  • 61 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon output has dwindled to almost nothing. feel sick, but confident in the next bit, if i can get past this hump. #
  • 65 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon burrito = good medicine. feel less like death. car battery fell off in parking lot, had to fix. hate hate hate #
  • 74 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon how was i so productive yesterday, but today so full of failure? curse my metal body. #
  • @documentingme @AllisoNicole86 @hmapple yup. battery failure due to immovable clamp moving. it’s fixed now, though. in reply to documentingme #

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