- 154 pages. #gunstreetnovelthon devoting tonight to writing. need to end this draft & move on. ready to be done. other stories in the hopper #
- @elleeffect man. i’m jealous. of the ballet watching, not so much the ladies. who i’m sure are wonderful people. eesh. you know what i mean. in reply to elleeffect #
- @michaelstalker yeah, i know the link is broken… the url just fit under the char limit, but the auto compression screwed it up. wamp womp. in reply to michaelstalker #
- “Doubt everything. Find your oven light.” — @documentingme, revising Buddha #
- this is seriously wrong. and it does not engender trust. http://tinyurl.com/c7wv9e via @doctorow #
- sick. consequences of my sleep schedule, i suppose. #
- @scottmccloud cheese-2-cheese distributed snacking. in reply to scottmccloud #
- health declining. some sort of gotterdammerung in my sinuses. because yes, i have snot gods. and they have come to make war. #
- @mynameis_shoe unfortunately this is rest & liquids sick, not allergies. though the zyrtec might still help. in reply to mynameis_shoe #
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