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Weekly Tweet Digest – 2009-07-12

  • @hollyblack we miss you too. also: please to mail extra ducks at earliest convenience. or we might have to eat the professor. in reply to hollyblack #
  • o crinkle brain: the stories. to make them please now please. #
  • @hollyblack we just today finished all that lasagna. so. much. ricotta. in reply to hollyblack #
  • i have this heap of words and i don’t know which ones to glue together, or in what order they should go. #
  • we didn’t ask what it seems like; we asked what it is. #
  • listening to kraftwerk, writing a story about science. #
  • “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” –- Samuel Beckett #
  • second #clarion critique today. tried writing a story with people and feelings and science, and it looks like i pulled that off. 1st draft. #
  • @rsdevin everybody knows it’s a first draft, but yeah, i think people liked it. how are you doing? in reply to rsdevin #
  • At a korean barbecue. They’re playing ‘baby got back’ over the pa system. #
  • @NicholasStenner @ken_schneyer @themattlondon i’m … outlining. argh. in reply to NicholasStenner #
  • so, for the first time, someone has written slash fic using my characters. #
  • why does this exist? and why is it so compelling? RT @NicholasStenner: = the universe explained #
  • apparently, writing well is difficult. #
  • @thejordache every time you update about #readercon, or your weekend hanging out with delany and datlow, i cry a little envious tear. #

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