- i’m back from #wfc in san jose. lovely weekend. met many delightful people. did not sleep. #
- @tofermoran can’t imagine why. othello is the jauntiest of shakespeare’s tragedies. wooo deception and pain wooooo. in reply to tofermoran #
- went for a run after being sick or at a con for the last two weeks. i will die in a half-marathon of wheezing glory this weekend. #
- @nicoletaylor28 demoralizing? i say rather: http://bit.ly/3K0pDv in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- @nicoletaylor28 SCIENCE PROVES OTHERWISE. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- @damiengwalter so you made it back to that island all right? i suggest going to a pub and reporting live on all exciting happenings. in reply to damiengwalter #
- RT @Templesmith: “Anthropologist Levi-Strauss dead at 100” http://tinyurl.com/yjosy38 Check out … his research … on civilization+belief. #
- Maybe i should start a movement called neopunkcore. Followed immediately by post neopunkcore & retro neopunkcore. #
- @mynameis_shoe it’s true. but nobody respects the old guard when the new kids are turning out fresh materials. in reply to mynameis_shoe #
- on the other hand, maybe i’ll start a movement called dash-suffix and envelop the entire movement of starting movements. #
- @smoonen now that’s just silly. antidis is so last season. in reply to smoonen #
- and here i was thinking that “birther” meant that you were a fan of being born. #
- Got my accordion back from marsh woodwinds. They did a wonderful job. It sounds fantastic! #
- Band practice fin. #
- @Keffy ante-post-retro-neopunkcore. this thing is moving like wildfire. in reply to Keffy #
- @mkazoo glad to add some spice to your day. it sounds beautiful. much better than the smaller accordion i’ve been playing. in reply to mkazoo #
- In a bowl in the kitchen at my work, we have candy cigarettes. really, candy suppliers? IS THIS THE BEHAVIOUR WE WANT TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN? #
- point of interest: on this candy cigarette box, which holds 2 candy cigarettes, spiderman is crouching over the words “bâtonnets de bonbon.” #
- @mkazoo it has three treble switches and two bass switches, which means a wider tonal range than the other. but enough. what about dance? in reply to mkazoo #
- science, beautiful & terrible http://bit.ly/g040m via @warrenellis #
- an examination of tsa procedures by a retired police officer: http://is.gd/4Nk9l #
- Why not be utterly changed into fire? #
- @documentingme a fair summary conclusion of our conversation tonight. in reply to documentingme #
- pre-clarion, i wrote most of a can-i-go-the-distance novel i was calling #gunstreetnovelthon. but a fragment of a novel isn’t a novel, so. #
- so tonight i finish #gunstreetnovelthon. i’m about two scenes from the end. onward. #writing #finally #futilesalve #
- @lizargall this novel is the literary equivalent of sitting on the can when one has bilious guts: comforting, but not something one shares. in reply to lizargall #
- breaking out the big guns: listening to tom waits’s alice while i write. this album is a focusing lens for all the sorrow i have experienced #
- @lizargall i am a font of socially appropriate similes. in reply to lizargall #
- @micgrideon know what i appreciate most about you? the depth of the poetry in your soul. also your apt comparisons. in reply to micgrideon #
- FIN. #gunstreetnovelthon #
- more on this tomorrow, but i’ve just finished my first novel. i will now celebrate with a glass of scotch, purchased by kim stanley robinson #
- @lizargall i send all good writing juju. these juju are fleet of foot, wing, and wheel, like a deer riding an eagle riding a motorcycle. in reply to lizargall #
- and now: sleep. #wooooo #
- a town in Uqbar, of course. property values on Orbis Tertius are rocketing. http://is.gd/4NTIz (via @neilhimself) #
- pretty good run. chilly mornings are for the good. #
- @lovemy6 thanks! in reply to lovemy6 #
- also: PLEASE REMEMBER THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER. last time you forgot. #
- @mikejoosse monkeys, eh? that’s interesting, because the temp agency assured me that i had hired your mom. in reply to mikejoosse #
- @bclaymoore i don’t know how deep you’re going, but you can get it for free, including newer translations like ESV or NAS http://is.gd/4O1Lc in reply to bclaymoore #
- Watching @tofermoran play a basselele. What is happening. #
- science! RT @nalohopkinson: RT @physorg_com New Synthetic Molecules Trigger Immune Response to HIV and Prostate Cancer http://bit.ly/30YfLz #
- tired & strangely hungry. i guess a bagel and candy cigarettes don’t constitute fully balanced daily nutrition. #
- children’s samizdat in china: http://bit.ly/1D6tzi (via @torbooks) #
- Band practice. #
- listening to bartok’s gypsy stuff. #
- why does this chocolate chip bagel taste like scotch? #
- “an olde murder ballad,” rendered in comics: http://r-dart.livejournal.com/9753.html (reminds me of eisner quite a bit, especially the type) #
- more murders, this time in orlando. #
- “Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book.” — Cicero #
- “The ultimate goal of war is to make slaves.” — Ursula Le Guin, in a review of The Post Office Girl, by Stefan Zweig http://is.gd/4P7av #
- Staying in the outer banks in a fancypants house with friends, preparing to run a half marathon tomorrow for which i have not trained. #
- Pro tip: don’t ask for directions to “the street between that bank that looks like a hotel and captain whomever’s restaurant.” #
- Band practice. #
- at band practice tonight we rearranged a song about absinthe to include @mynameis_shoe whamming a guitar case full of cutlery. show on tues. #
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