- second day soreness: / why do i run these races / without any forethought? #argh #haiku #missesthepointofhaiku #
- regarding the spoonbox. RT @mynameis_shoe: And whatever you *think* it looks like, you’re probably wrong. It’s way more awesome than that. #
- @mkazoo (confession of shame: i have not read any haruki murakami.) in reply to mkazoo #
- http://is.gd/4R7IR “What does it mean to be an interstitial artist?” Essays from a slew of people, including one by @hollyblack #
- we didn’t ask what it seems like, we asked what it is. #
- Band practice. #
- @thejordache @themattlondon three years of hooray! in reply to thejordache #
- excellent run. the acid of last weekend’s race is [mostly] gone. lovely morning, too. #
- @ken_schneyer you are indeed the man. in reply to ken_schneyer #
- @tofermoran “if i had but one punch to give” = new song. in reply to tofermoran #
- RT @thepinhook: Music tonight @ 9… Proud Valletta with Miss Ellen Sunday and Jonathan Thompson. An evening worth writing home about… #
- @tofermoran our next album should be called “Two Ls! Two Ts! or, Consonants on the Continent.” it will be about the decline of Spellingtown. in reply to tofermoran #
- @mynameis_shoe @tofermoran hippy to the hoppy to the hip-hip hoppity? in reply to mynameis_shoe #
- found a cookie leftover from #wfc2009. tastes like a croûton made of white chocolate & macadamia nuts & book glue. #
- @gralinnaea thanks for the boost, gra. in reply to gralinnaea #
- @glorioushubris it was like book biscotti. would have been better with tea, but quite passable on its own. also: happy birthday. in reply to glorioushubris #
- @nicoletaylor28 i secrete cookies like unicorns secrete rainbows. that is, with great strength of will. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- @nicoletaylor28 @hollyblack i have soup pockets! in reply to hollyblack #
- @mikejoosse dig the heaviness, man. dig it. though that name made me think more about tectonic plates than the eu. in reply to mikejoosse #
- Proud valletta show at @thepinhook. #
- no one story has to say everything, but each must say something. #
- Samuel R Delany reading at NCSU, 7:30 in Caldwell Lounge. #
- delany reading was aces. renewed motivation to read him. #
- and by “renewed” i mean “slathering obsessive” #
- “I’ve saved a score of princes in my time; I cannot save them all.” — James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks #
- @gralinnaea @mkazoo murakami is now on my emergency to-read list. <incessant klaxon> different from emergency to-read pile, but still urgent in reply to gralinnaea #
- @mkazoo o yes. both thirteen clocks & the little prince are v special to me. just finished another of thurber’s, the white deer. ++good also in reply to mkazoo #
- @hollyblack congrats on the good neighbors. woo for editing & finishing series. also woo for comics. in reply to hollyblack #
- @thejordache i concur on both counts. wish i could’ve gone as well. in reply to thejordache #
- @acarvin thanks for the brizzly invite. exploring… in reply to acarvin #
- RT for truth @bethofalltrades: Graffiti behind the Burlington venue. This portends a good tour. http://twitgoo.com/52qdh #
- RT @MaryRobinette: I’ll be editing the 2010 The Hugo Award Showcase with cover by Donato Giancola http://bit.ly/41QcJ5 #
- bicycling home in cold cold rain = the worst idea i have ever had. i’m including my first short stories in the tally, to give you some scale #
- http://is.gd/4TLBs when i read this, the rest of the article is eclipsed by the phrase “part-time model.” (cf http://is.gd/4TLGv) #
- listening to the white stripes on shuffle. #
- OH MAN OH MAN #thefuture http://bit.ly/T3MFC #
- http://bit.ly/4tMSLZ #anthem #rocknroll #thewhitestripes #
- man. just remembered that i lost my mustard-colored argyle cardigan in san jose last week. #forthebest #delayedreactions #
- there is a cache of sandwiches at my house, but i am at work. #insignificantproblems #sandwiches #
- according to @neilhimself’s CALANDAR ACUMEN, it’s friday the 13th. solution: mythic swords, b/c hattori hanzÅ could beat up freddie any day. in reply to neilhimself #
- according to @neilhimself’s CALENDAR ACUMEN, it’s friday the 13th. solution: mythic swords, b/c hattori hanzÅ could beat up freddie any day. #
- @damiengwalter instead of subsides, perhaps we could structure a bookstore like a club, with memberships & smoking rooms & mahogany trim? in reply to damiengwalter #
- @damiengwalter well spotted, though, and well said. but i want a specialty bartender of books, who knows me & recs accordingly, not a priest in reply to damiengwalter #
- @gralinnaea best/worst kind of sandwiches. free, day old subway. so. always glad to share if you want to fly to nc. in reply to gralinnaea #
- @damiengwalter i think my ideas after reading your post branch tangent to your point, so they’re not quite relevant, but thanks for the seed in reply to damiengwalter #
- @mkazoo that’s the company you recommended, isn’t it? they look amazing. i am now jealous. in reply to mkazoo #
- “buy more stock in roses / millionaires will always woo / don’t be shocked if roses / make a millionaire of you” — stephin merritt #
- “Let us cross over the river and rest in the shade of the trees.” — General Stonewall Jackson, dying words #
- @schy way to go! in reply to schy #
- @nicoletaylor28 Submarine captains / who open windows en route / expire. Bubbles. #haiku #meh in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- you know, i gave that horse a carrot so he’d break your foot. #
- i’ll just go into the bookstore for a minute, i said. only a minute. then i’ll go back to work. #
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