- i need to love my characters more than i do; i won’t get bored as quickly if i uphold a kind of prickly, unshakable fealty for my people. #
- @themattlondon i’m not crying. i’m not. in reply to themattlondon #
- today i am thinking about the word “blank,” and its various denotations. what a glorious, many-headed word. #
- @mkazoo can’t wait to go home & look it up in my soed. the definitions are all so wide-flung; i want to write a story braiding them together in reply to mkazoo #
- i just realized: i’d watch new moon if i could convince @GLValentine to provide sotto voce mst3k commentary like this: http://bit.ly/7gX7VG #
- @bclaymoore indiana jones wants the nazis to share. in reply to bclaymoore #
- spent the evening installing a ceiling in a friend’s basement. panel debris crinkling my eyes. punching brain with sticks until sleep comes. #
- o sigh. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKKgua7wQk #
- i now possess a durham library card. #joy #
- “he that hath no beard is less than a man.” — shakespeare RT @schy: beard versus mustache. http://bit.ly/6qdgD7 #
- @gralinnaea i have both. it is impossible under normal conditions, but i have bent time & space. something like: http://is.gd/52FPq in reply to gralinnaea #
- Finished my reread of paul park’s “princess of roumania.”excellent. #
- the taste of cajun tofu is oddly compelling. finally found a texture i like. #
- the evening encapsulated: onset of illness/fatigue plus dain’s plus dear john plus shasta cola plus paul park’s “the tourmaline.” #
- “sois jeune et tais toi” – Paris, mai 1968 #
- currently replacing the words in the pixies’ WAVE OF MUTILATION with other rhyming words. then singing it to myself. #
- SAGE OF DEPRECATION #pixieswordswap #
- RAGE OF IMPRECATION #pixieswordswap (whoa oh ooh oh-oh) #
- and ksr’s favourite: PAGE OF EXPOSITION #pixieswordswap #
- ( context for those who haven’t heard “wave of mutilation” here: http://is.gd/53puD ) #
- SOUP OF EXHALATION #spittake #pixieswordswap #
- @mynameis_shoe that’s a real thing! mine were mostly gibberish. like FAILING DEPOSITION or LANK UNWED PHYSICIAN. #pixieswordswap in reply to mynameis_shoe #
- RT @GreatDismal: RT @Theremina: In my personal circle of hell, the bookstores carry nothing but Twilight, The DaVinci Code, and Ayn Rand. #
- finished paul park’s “the tourmaline.” again, excellent. book two lays another stratum of depth, complexity, and sadness. #
- and guess what now shows up third when you google “simon edhouse?” consequences = http://www.27bslash6.com/p2p.html via @wilw via @27bslash6 in reply to wilw #
- does it say something fresh about vigilantism? violence? RT @GreatDismal: Harry Brown trailer http://bit.ly/ZWJEo …Top of my See list, now #
- spent a few moments admiring verdana’s ampersand. this sounds horribly filthy, but is not. http://is.gd/53E4i #
- do i love this song too much? NO SIR, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xsF9fHdAfo (also: #writing wooo) #
- @McKelvie sometimes i type a reply & then delete it because i don’t want to bother people i don’t know well. might be uniquely neurotic, tho in reply to McKelvie #
- slow, chugging start to a new project. but it’s actually started moving now, which is a welcome change. #writing #woo #
- @McKelvie whew. (almost did that a few minutes ago, replying to you, but then realized the irony) in reply to McKelvie #
- google’s translation tool seems pretty excellent: http://translate.google.com #
- @nicoletaylor28 nooooooooooooooo #newmoon #failuresofjudgment in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- vashti bunyan. some things just stick in your mind http://bit.ly/4CWKfG ignore head bobbing in favor of music. #
- @nicoletaylor28 also the state of washington does not allow you to pump your own gas. this is so artists can make a living pumping gas? in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- @nicoletaylor28 new jersey is a tarpit full of used needles. the only good thing to come out of that geological abscess was e. gauvin. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- Pretty sure my grandmother just said “whoop di ding sinus” in reference to a sinus infection. #thanksgiving #
- “oh look, a neurovascular bundle.” — my dad, at the table, referencing a discarded scrap of turkey. #
- @themattlondon so glad i’m not the only one writing on thanksgiving. i’m all, “no, mom, i’m just checking my email. a lot.” in reply to themattlondon #
- @gralinnaea oh, that’s right. sorry. i drove through washington & oregon once, but it was in the same day, so i mix them up. in reply to gralinnaea #
- less brainstorming, more writing. #
- RT @mattfraction: i saw the worst mail of my generation saved in draft folders starving, hysterical, typo-laden #
- run. then writing, then more food. #
- just saw (500) days of summer. liked the movie all right, hated hated hated summer. that fellow yelling at the television? yes, that was me. #
- now i’m in a punching mood. putting on punching music, opening a bottle of scotch with my keys, and writing. #
- late edition word of the day: “catch-basin.” from george fetherling’s article about novellas. http://is.gd/552uk #
- in other news, skifree fan fiction: http://www.fanfiction.net/game/SkiFree/ (via @jephjacques) in reply to jephjacques #
- heh. our common bloodthirst. http://is.gd/553h1 #
- the only bob dylan song whose title begins with “V” is “Visions of Johanna.” #youmustknow #
- “Clever Nigel, jump for joy /
Because we are putting you to sleep at three of the clock, Nigel.” — John Lennon, In His Own Write # - realized i’ve been working on a story all week that borges already wrote. oh brilliant. #startover #HurryUpPleaseItsTime #
- @smoonen you’re right. it’s still frustrating, but at least it’s apropos. in reply to smoonen #
- o le sigh. #
- ok, backup book idea spawned. pizza & then rock/roll/write. #
- in short: I AM A NEXUS OF GLORIOUS NUTRITION AND CREATIVE JUICES. *slorch slorch* is the sound my brain AND guts make. #
- @nicoletaylor28 i’m reading that as: the anti-rapist device is an evil lumberjack. and he’s affixed to your door jamb. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- dear stories, which live in my brain, under layers of fatigue: come on out. i promise not to eat you like i did that other time. #
- @nicoletaylor28 6000 is the number of hairs in his dark-universe goatee. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- @gralinnaea michigan! that’s near canada! #geography #knowledgeofgeography #iknowgeographyrealgood in reply to gralinnaea #
- @nicoletaylor28 goatee = evilest, regardless of previous condition. also, the ox is one of the demons of meifumado. well spotted. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
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