- Colorado #
- The rockies at sunset. #
- Staying in denver. Tomorrow we brave vail pass. Check the peril of our route on the cameras: cotrips.org #
- And off we go. Over the pass and on to glory. #
- Utah #
- http://twitpic.com/wu4lr – #
- http://twitpic.com/wuvn3 – #
- Staying in richfield, utah, a town brimming with excitement. It brims. #
- Just saw a bald eagle in a tree on the side of 89. #
- http://twitpic.com/wxr80 – #
- http://twitpic.com/wxrte – #
- http://twitpic.com/wxscl – #
- http://twitpic.com/wxswt – #
- http://twitpic.com/wy6uw – #
- Nevada #
- To be fair, we also passed through arizona today. #
- Staying in a rip van winkle purgatorial hotel/casino on the edge of vegas. #
- Live music: lady on electric pad drums, playing standing up, and a crooning bald jazz guitarist, both with headset mics. #
- Needless to say, i’m back up in my room, counting chairs. Three! Three chairs! What a nice hotel/casino! I’m afraid! #
- Also this hotel/casino’s showers have delay release hot water (20 min later) and their towels smell like overdone toast. #
- California #
- In san jose, almost back to ed’s house. #
- Fin. #
- Reading angela carter’s “the bloody chamber” and convincing my old man self not to go to sleep yet. #
- Ah, surreal but factual happenings, you are so surreal and factual. #
- Finished the carter (brilliant, engrossing style; thanks meghan). Now reading “the third policeman,” by flann o’brien. #woo #
- In half moon bay. Bookstores, hiking, and the like. #
- Ah, the pacific. #
- Doctor parnassus with leo and edward. #
- Dear 6am flight: you are not my favorite thing in all the wide and wonderful world entire. #
- Successfully groped for drugs and sharp bits by a large man with a mullet. O how much safer the public is, now. #
- My seat number is 7c. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. #
- Houston #
- “any jokes regarding airport security may result in your arrest” — direct quote from the houston airport pa system #ludicrous #illegalhumor #
- finally home again. as lovely as traveling & fellowship are, it’s good to be back in durham. #
- also: apparently i missed all of your replies for the last two weeks. my apologies, everyone. i don’t receive tweets on my phone; send only. #
- o crown, properly smuggled through the airport in the space where my lungs should be, how thou dost warm me and coat my eyeballs with sleep. #
- @mkazoo o sad conclusions. maybe more poetry in your life would help? in reply to mkazoo #
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