- spent the day with friends (local & abroad, via technology) and my soul is refreshed. #
- @schy yes yes yes! in reply to schy #
- if you were looking for inspiration: http://bit.ly/9mnI8F (and one better, my buddy @schy is part of their prettymaking machine now, too.) #
- these comics today are excellent. http://bit.ly/9E6tth and http://bit.ly/asZPQI #pregnancy #melancholia #areseparate #
- kim stanley robinson: the world is an sf novel we collaborate on. http://bit.ly/cOr7t1 #
- @astonestreetnow you've caught the ezra pound bug. i am exceedingly glad. in reply to astonestreetnow #
- Ragefist Hammerhands McTremorTic has discovered caffeine pills. And may in future cut them in half. #heartattackjack #nausea #poorchoices #
- @nicoletaylor28 give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. give a man a hot glue gun and you can make a voltronfish from the day's catch. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- i have provided @mikejoosse with today's opportunity to use the word "kafka-esque" in conversation. #communityservice #donehere in reply to mikejoosse #
- @mikejoosse none of these people look like celebrities. that is one reason why they are not celebrities. in reply to mikejoosse #
- blame it on the risperdal #jaimefoxxsequel #whydoublexesinfoxx #pharmajoke #schizophreniamedication #tryingtoohard #excessivetagging #
- RT @GreatDismal: RT @ELDING: (via @GuyKawasaki) Star Wars reimagined with Paris subway tickets http://om.ly/fEPo #
- @schy the unicase especially. in reply to schy #
- star wars, in a classy universe. http://bit.ly/bCdGyp (via boingboing) #
- @smoonen every city in the world should have one of these; then we could have a coffee table book of them. in reply to smoonen #
- RT FOR TRUTH @tofermoran: Refusing to listen to Joanna Newsom singles until the album … so I can have an unspoiled listening experience. #
- @mynameis_shoe i really really like joanna newsom. i'm looking forward to this album so hard; i'll probably listen to it straight many times in reply to mynameis_shoe #
- @mynameis_shoe sometimes waiting makes it better #subtext #yesthat in reply to mynameis_shoe #
- @astonestreetnow but, once understood, genuine poetry speaks again, blooms in the reader's mind, & grows runners to other modes of thought. in reply to astonestreetnow #
- @astonestreetnow skilled poetry needs all parts of the reader: mind, mouth, will, ear; flesh & soul; all the assemblage of the human at once in reply to astonestreetnow #
- google buzz actually looks neat, based on the presentation. a beefier, more featured version of twitter. (but, again, a pistolfingery name.) #
- google buzz seems more public than twitter, in the respect that what you put on there is closely linked to who & where you are. #
- i want to be able to post something publicly but keep my location linked to that post private. #googlebuzz #
- @nathanmanley thanks for the tip! do you know if it's possible to share location privately but post publicly? how granular is my control? in reply to nathanmanley #
- @nicoletaylor28 as it is, you can introduce them to the snowmudslide. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- @nathanmanley i hope so. and they'll tweak it over time. in reply to nathanmanley #
- @tdelucci via bad weather or the benevolence of your overlords? (also: hi. haven't talked to you since comic-con, i think. yeesh.) in reply to tdelucci #
- @tdelucci priorities: you have the right ones. in reply to tdelucci #
- i want the ability to send my friends links to any point on a given page. instead saying "scroll down about four paragraphs, third sentence" #
- have given website advice to two friends this week. makes me think i should change mine up a bit… maybe consolidate it under wordpress. #
- @elleeffect thanks! (i am no designer. i am the opposite of a designer. when does your new site go live?) in reply to elleeffect #
- the carmina of catullus, translated & read aloud. http://rudy.negenborn.net/catullus #
- @gralinnaea my friend suggested http://search.creativecommons.org/ for procuring images. don't know why i didn't think of it before. in reply to gralinnaea #
- happy birthday, @jodikatherine. i give you: one really cold morning. #
- "Vas, je ne te hais point." — Chimène, to Rodrigue #
- @damiengwalter delany's ideas on paraliterature might be helpful, but i haven't read those essays of his yet, just quotes. #literaryfantasy in reply to damiengwalter #
- @damiengwalter summarized in a "fruitless recursion" review of his essay collection, "starboard wine." http://bit.ly/ap9LbE #literaryfantasy in reply to damiengwalter #
- @damiengwalter also, from "conversations with samuel r delany" a definition of paraliterature in his own words. http://bit.ly/dzSdK3 in reply to damiengwalter #
- "I want nothing but death." — Jane Austen, last words. #
- Does it get any more metal than that? Did fireworks explode out of her four-poster canopy bed as she expired in shredding harpsichord solo? #
- Did thirteen crows bash the windows in and take a turn about the room while wailing on their own, tiny B.C Rich Warlock electric guitars? #
- I almost forgive her for her fiction. #
- @nicoletaylor28 barbed wire, something tribal, maybe a misspelled quote? i'm unfamiliar with the exact trifecta. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- @nicoletaylor28 i like the slightly more obscure "carpe arborem." preferably beneath a massive oak tree. (but a good artist goes a long way) in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- droppin bon mots as my skinned knee clots. #salvagingdignity #lostthatfight #meantto #
- @nicoletaylor28 actually, carpe arborem means "seize the the tree." or, i guess, "pluck the tree." so it's either pro- or anti-arbor day. in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- points for the best title/epithet I've ever heard: Omar Khayyám, the astronomer-poet of Persia. #
- @nicoletaylor28 us: up to speed. i was going for a "treehugger" reading. this is why i'm not a translator. (in addition to my ignorance.) in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- i think you mean: http://bit.ly/9Jbs5R RT @schy: RT @OMGDurham: @tofermoran Nobody can replace you. 🙁 #
- @nicoletaylor28 inflections in invective inferred; insufferable imperative impeded. #whatdoesthatevenmean #wordstunts #arethelamestunts in reply to nicoletaylor28 #
- @beatonna don't know if it's © kosher, but i'd love to see your take on borges's "universal history of infamy." bad guys galore. in reply to beatonna #
- @smoonen salve your 66 sins with dylan. in reply to smoonen #
- @pelargir i just upgraded to wordpress 2.9.1 as well. i'm thinking of using wordpress to manage the whole site… (syntax highlighting?) in reply to pelargir #
- @tofermoran high fashion = http://bit.ly/bdQ9OV ? no grass, no bikini, but maybe? operatic, eh? in reply to tofermoran #
- if you watch this long enough, your soul will crawl out of the top of your skull. http://bit.ly/caahc9 #kikisaynirvana via @tofermoran #
- "You don't use science to show that you're right, you use science to become right." http://bit.ly/aT8DqL #science #
- art show, new friends, excellent dinner, snow: success. #
- just went into a bookstore, exited with three more books to read. le sigh. also, it is to want: http://bit.ly/dedZcp #
- Thinking about whether there are actual boundaries between poetry & prose, or whether we've erected a contrived wall between them. Thoughts? #
- the truth about myself via pills. RT @nicoletaylor28: I think I might be a better, more productive person when caffeinated. Dammit. #
- working on saturday. salving with black sheep boy http://bit.ly/crzitX and the best thing i've ever seen, via the siege http://bit.ly/bAdyL4 #
- live cheaply: you can write anyplace but can't write when you're working all the time. (brutal paraphrase.) http://bit.ly/aN3l9l via @scalzi #
- Just saw a girl from my high school in the grocery store. She had a four year old child with her. Happy birthday, st valentine. #
- @smoonen oh no, i think i said HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAINT VALENTINE. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. in reply to smoonen #
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