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Weekly Tweet Digest – 2010-02-21

  • "Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura / esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte / che nel pensier rinova la paura!" — Dante, Inferno, Canto 1 #
  • – Got this in the mail today. Coincidence? #
  • I am a worker bee. Behold, i bumble. #
  • whine >> wine >> win #
  • @apopa touché. in reply to apopa #
  • @tiffaniangus you will not believe it: i am still working. still. whiskey tango foxtrot, i ask you. in reply to tiffaniangus #
  • poet lucille clifton died today. #
  • mushroom leftover nachos & australian red wine. i am the remix king of this refrigerator. #
  • @rquat i thought you were referring to yourself as The Quattlebaum. it works (unless your sister challenges). in reply to rquat #
  • @rquat straight uppity-like. shake your cane at her and mutter about the old days; that usually sets them to rights. in reply to rquat #
  • @apopa if the whole world worked like that, antartica would be called penguintown. not a fan. still, right of rite of conquest: compelling. in reply to apopa #
  • listening to cortázar read his own work. the paris, december 1966 recordings. #enespa ±ol #
  • the first protesters to deserve teargas (not really but hmph) RT @GreatDismal: Palestinian protestors costumed as Na'vi #
  • @mynameis_shoe rage, rage against the dying of the light in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • moot ≠ mute. tack ≠ tact. learn it. know it. live it. #
  • i like words that end in an é because the accent looks like a ramp. "maître de cérémonies" is practically a skatepark. #
  • gnash gnash gnash. #
  • recall when lando is all, "hey that's not what you said you'd do," & vader goes, "i've altered the deal. pray i don't alter it any further." #
  • i am essentially lando for a living. #
  • Blue planet is a pretty neat show. Otherworldly. #
  • “We wanted to tell a true story, but we didn’t know any suitable true stories, so we made one up.” — the Coen Brothers (via siege) #
  • @ken_schneyer i like that. i've started doing the converse with fiction (view the real through the image), & it seems a profitable direction in reply to ken_schneyer #
  • awoke at 5 this morning, got a drink, went back to sleep. i am this generation's cindy lou who. #
  • also: dreamed my bank sent me a statement through a url shortening service, was mildly concerned b/c that's insecure. #INTENSITY #DREAMWORLD #
  • Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. — Italian proverb #
  • @jodikatherine ha! it is because he is so roomantic. and incapable of defending himself from rose thieves? in reply to jodikatherine #
  • @mynameis_shoe i wish for you great joy on your birthday. to wit: #
  • RT @beatonna: There are some absolutely splendid things on this man's blog, here's the beginning: #
  • @mynameis_shoe my carebelly power is perceptive knowledge. #CARE (also: hangouts? & soon? i regret missing the Outing of Der Bros. remedy.) in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • @mynameis_shoe also: my friend, you share a birthday with @warrenellis. there is no greater honour. in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • @gralinnaea #slushfail also: read these (know how i found them? i clicked on "guidelines -> fiction guidelines." magic) in reply to gralinnaea #
  • @gralinnaea wise to repeat, just in case a writer was tempted to—IT'S ABOUT A MUTE HIPPO & DEAF MOUSE WHO FIND LOVE BUT NOT WITH EACH OTHER. in reply to gralinnaea #
  • @gralinnaea (also it's really just an episode in a longer piece, The Separated Loves of Hippolyta & Gaius Mousiminus. currently 130k words.) in reply to gralinnaea #
  • @gralinnaea (i don't know, maybe you guys could publish it in installments or something.) in reply to gralinnaea #
  • @gralinnaea (also you'll have to translate it from my native bildungslavian. i wrote it all on a series of paint chips i stole from walmart) in reply to gralinnaea #
  • @gralinnaea i am beginning to hate myself a little bit. so in summary: thanks for reading slush & putting out a rock & roll magazine. in reply to gralinnaea #
  • @gralinnaea same thought, same time. there but for the grace of READ THE GUIDELINES go i. in reply to gralinnaea #
  • @gralinnaea soon, i hope. i've been grinding gears on this longer project for a while; maybe i'll write a short piece to cleanse the palate. in reply to gralinnaea #
  • if payment for the evening is doubledutch, you trade cash back & forth until the other person feels awkward & lets you pay. chant if you can #
  • @gralinnaea @lizargall query the oracle beneath the cedar plank pier? skein, loom & shears? (an imaginary fates-themed rock/paper/scissors) in reply to gralinnaea #
  • i'm waiting for the canadian rip-off, Kardashiens. #spellingjokes #idontknowwhoanyofthesepeopleare #culturalignorance #hockey #
  • @gralinnaea @lizargall ["spirits = liquor" joke] in reply to gralinnaea #
  • wörk #
  • Atlanta Progressive News fired reporter because he desired to report objectively. False optimism policy? via boingboing #
  • according to coilhouse, the sharona that the knacks sung about now sells real estate. proves you can't be 17 forever. #
  • "like the horseshoe crab in its proper season sheds its shell" — mewithoutYou #
  • found a valentines' chalk heart that said "too hot." tempted to drop it into some tea (earl grey, hot) for effect. #
  • dear jenny from nebraska who works for the gallup poll: your questions about my bank are weirdly phrased. 1-10 scale for every little thing. #
  • every time i hear that song, all i hear is the periodic eagle cry in the background. #
  • why isn't there a harry potter wand that shoots silly string? various mini-cartridges for each spell. #
  • oh decker. RT @McKelvie: PROVE YOU'RE NOT A ROBOT: #
  • @meika it is muggle thinking indeed, and yet… i want those wands with an unreasoning fervency. in reply to meika #
  • look at that nebula awards final ballot via @sfwa (is there a way to see a visualization of the nominations over time?) #
  • @sfwa should have asked you directly. is there a way to get a visualization of the nominations over time? #
  • @sfwa i ask bc apparently one nomination gained ground, then another overtook the first, and back; it would be like studying troop movements #
  • I SAID GOOD DAY, SIR. RT @D_MacPherson: – Now THIS is a movie I'd love to see! #
  • @hmapple did he apologize to you personally for all the wrong he's done you? in reply to hmapple #
  • @hmapple ….are you looking at pictures of his wife and kids? because he kinda has a point, there. in reply to hmapple #
  • @mynameis_shoe cut him up like a salisbury steak. in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • @mynameis_shoe you carve what & how you see fit, sirrah. in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • @hmapple so you have a good reason for looking at a stranger's wife and kids? do you expose & marinate in your neighbors' infidelities? in reply to hmapple #
  • so i don't know how i missed this, but my buddy @NicholasStenner published this story a few weeks ago: #clarion #
  • @mynameis_shoe eh, i don't care about golf, or this guy's personal life. should remain private; i don't want my business on the news either. in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • @mynameis_shoe besides, he's not famous because he's a virtuous person, or a good husband. he's famous because he's good at golf. in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • @mynameis_shoe yeah, that sounds about right. but only as upset as they would be hearing about anybody else cheating—famous or not. in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • tonight: sleep. tomorrow: writing, reading, and arith–no, not even counting. #
  • @MaryRobinette To know whether Grover is a mammal one must ascertain: does Groverkind suckle its young? #unconscionablequestions in reply to MaryRobinette #
  • @MaryRobinette next question was going to be something incredulous along those lines. i bow before your superior knowledge of puppet anatomy in reply to MaryRobinette #
  • @MaryRobinette also, now my search history is +1 disturbing. in reply to MaryRobinette #
  • am i the only person who reads "xoxo" as "soak-so?" #chalkhearts #
  • also, i just ate a candy that said 'HEY YOU.' #chalkhearts #yellingisnotnecessary #
  • @rquat and i imagine "soak-so" to be some kind of arcane blessing in a long dead language, which makes reading it doubly enjoyable. in reply to rquat #

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