- why aren't all the places in canada named after comics sfx? BAMF! SPLORCH! FIZZZ! VANCOUVER! #
- the burren is astounding, by the way. limestone cut by erosion into oddly elaborate pavement blocks. #
- eight diagrams of sleep deprivation transatlantic travel kung fu ACTIVATE #london #reykjavik #boston #durham #activate #
- @mkazoo i am back. and broke. and writing limericks on the filthy floor of logan airport. in reply to mkazoo #
- spent a lovely evening with @ken_schneyer in boston, eating noodles and yammering. #
- now, of course, i'm wallowing in mires of linoleum at logan airport, writing limericks and trying not to succumb to the sleep madness. #
- @taylor_audrey of course, what i actually ended up doing was pass out on the filthy ground. in reply to taylor_audrey #
- @mkazoo one tries to be a gentleman. and how one tries. in reply to mkazoo #
- dear headphoneless gentleman near me, i will give you a tip regarding the bullying you are about to receive: no no woman no cry no cry. #
- back in nc. what i noticed first was that everything green is actually yellow-green. #sleepmadness #roofdogs #
- @NicholasStenner i have negative money now. it is a situation problematic. in reply to NicholasStenner #
- @kateulinah tsk, didn't we talk about this? armoured cars and irish post offices, that's the moneypot. in reply to kateulinah #
- @kateulinah but i can't anyway without my team: you, as face; @NicholasStenner, as herr doktor T, me as a dapper gentleman who makes demands in reply to kateulinah #
- @vyemoran of all my scant and pathetic states-side goals, going to sf is second only to "rob an armoured car so you have money to go to sf." in reply to vyemoran #
- @mikejoosse i salute you. we must have a hard drive exchange beer sometime soon. not because i have anything cool, but because i know you do in reply to mikejoosse #
- @vyemoran also haaappy birthday. #
- @mikejoosse man, google books got no respect for the arcane secrets of grimoires & such. they done digitized them already. in reply to mikejoosse #
- hwaelp, post-travel lung illness acquired. now all i need is a job and i will be ALL SET THANKS. #givemeajob #
- @tiffaniangus disease twins. <symbol of a heart /> in reply to tiffaniangus #
- @tiffaniangus my dad's main response has been "go. to. sleep." but i can ask him. in reply to tiffaniangus #
- Man. So much food in this house and all i'm eating are pickles. #
- in other news, my life is super scintillating. #pickletweet #
- Cleaning my stuff out of my parents' attic. Just found a pillow #
- Cleaning my stuff out of my parents' attic. Just found a pillow case full of pennies & dimes. #CrapAttic #
- Original typed history of my branch of the Boccaccio family written by my great-grandfather. #crapattic #sweet #
- four stolen hotel keys from away meets in high school cross country. #crapattic #
- paper cutout of pooh bear with somebody's number on the back. #crapattic #
- Set of steak knives. #
- Murderous-looking hatchet & a canteen in the same box as the steak knives. For the thirsty closer? #crapattic #
- Stack of comics i drew in high school that are why i got a d in chemistry. #crapattic #
- Eight removable dragon tattoos. I need eight girls and a book contract for each, stat. #crapattic #
- Met my brother's spike-hamster. It made a sound like an overheating laptop fan & tried to hide inside a sock. #
- @kateulinah it is a series in which, at the end of each installment (spoiler alert) sputnik falls from the sky & solves problems. so no scan in reply to kateulinah #
- @Cait_Elizabeth you're welcome. i've unpacked all of four boxes, too. in reply to Cait_Elizabeth #
- @mkazoo my question was, actually, why did i throw all these into a pillowcase? was i robbing myself, then got bored & packed boxes instead? in reply to mkazoo #
- @mkazoo now i want to write a short-short about a penny thief. today is all party prep… knocking out everybody who wants to see me at once in reply to mkazoo #
- it's a sad gauge of my mental state, but i just want to go back into the attic & throw away more of my possessions. #derpderp #
- @mkazoo of course! but i'm planning (loosely, money-less-ly) to visit sf as soon as i can wrangle it. solution solved. in reply to mkazoo #
- @mkazoo they wouldn't let me in the door. i was thinking more the dillinger route, but first i should learn how to slide across a counter. in reply to mkazoo #
- read the first line of a wsj article, "Let's say you were given a year to kill H-P," & thought "voldemort tried that seven times." #
- but they were talking about hewlett-packard, apparently. #befuddledvoldemort #
- @mkazoo i'm sure you could. my stringcheese body would instead pule about wanting the nice indoors where the books are, then fail to leap. in reply to mkazoo #
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