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Weekly Tweet Digest – 2011-09-18

  • "you should innovate with your writing. maybe a love rhombus? & one of them turns out to be a squid?" — my father, story expert #
  • @mkazoo i should tweet more responsibly, no doubt. #okra #repentencetweets in reply to mkazoo #
  • @danaROrana this guilt tastes like mom's homemade meatballs. #deliciousguilts in reply to danaROrana #
  • @rquat all emanations of people are a commentary on their environment. especially squidacious love pentacles. in reply to rquat #
  • @taylor_audrey it's a trap: if somebody tells me what to write, it's not innovation. in reply to taylor_audrey #
  • where's waldo: foxhunt #
  • where's waldo: urban fugitive #
  • WERE-WALDO, when waldo bites the normal folks around him & suddenly the whole park is full of waldos, & the object becomes "flee waldo" #
  • i'm just saying i want to make a "where's waldo" game that includes a pack of hunting mastiffs. #nowheretorun #nowheretohide #
  • when a job listing says "Ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide in all units of measure," do they mean lumens? ephahs? parsecs? #
  • somebody hire me to make fun of job listings. #
  • Compelling literature. #
  • @mkazoo trainwreck novel. back cover = discussion of protagonist's "biological clock" & first line involves the perceived worth of semen. in reply to mkazoo #
  • @mkazoo also want to write a kids' book with the same title. sample: WILL THESE BOOTS FATHER MY BABY? WILL THESE WILDFLOWERS FATHER MY BABY? in reply to mkazoo #
  • can you tell the difference, on sight, between a hectogon and a circle? (raises the question: "at what scale?") #
  • There is a former governor of utah who looks like steve b with his eyes de-bulged. #gopdebate #
  • We've reached the point in the election where i stop watching debates, reread transmit & get crotchety #
  • By which of course i meant transmetropolitan. stupid autocorrect machine. #
  • GOTTA GO TO WORK GOTTA GO TO WORK GOTTA HAVE A JAAHHB #alljobtweets #allthetime #
  • @danaROrana git yo rash on #neckrouge in reply to danaROrana #
  • @danaROrana i have crashed my own brain with the number of jokes. in reply to danaROrana #
  • whaelp, i'm off to read some essays about solitude by octavio paz until i fall asleep in my own drool. #sophisticated #
  • @mikejoosse big fat yes. in reply to mikejoosse #
  • oh hey, perspective. how you doing? there. buddy. #
  • paul park read us a piece of this edda when i was at clarion. still one more reason to love his work. #
  • @danaROrana you'd get better anyway; my way is just arguably faster sometimes. & then other times i'm just wrong, so watch out for that. in reply to danaROrana #
  • now i really want soup. RT @qikipedia: If you could take all the bacteria out of your body, they would be enough to fill a large soup can. #
  • i have Splendid Plans for tomorrow & they all involve writing. #
  • out with the oldmonia, in with the pneu. #
  • @mkazoo docket = finish the story about angels i started in london, then start the one from the attic. in reply to mkazoo #
  • @mkazoo sure. not sure "treat" is the word i'd use, but i'm getting better, and that's… something. see, i'm a writer, me. in reply to mkazoo #
  • Jehovah's witnesses just came to the house. #
  • So i asked them, 'aren't you guys the church of Jimi Hendrix?' #allalongthe #
  • Excuse me: church of bob dylan and his prophet, jimi hendrix. #
  • @tiffaniangus i don't think so, but i can taste my lungs. which is never optimal. in reply to tiffaniangus #
  • @damiengwalter Genre is dead; long live genre. in reply to damiengwalter #
  • @Keffy so i did that @klout thing (you pushed me to) & apparently i'm "influential" about shakespeare, william shakespeare, & boston. what? in reply to Keffy #
  • @Keffy obviously the first one is the lesser known Phillipe Shakespeare, the french 100 years war reenacter. he's functionally illiterate. in reply to Keffy #
  • Found my trove of caffeine pills from That Job. #
  • No real effect except i've been galloping around the house, bellowing 'STAY ALERT, STAY ALIVE' for a while. #
  • @kateulinah why, are the jim-jams in danger? email explanations for maximum efficient privacy. in reply to kateulinah #
  • today i am wearing a cardigan. that is what is going on today. #writing #stimulants #
  • Bookstore harvest. Can't buy food but books? #Fiscalhypocrisy #
  • 'Sure you're weedy, and kinda shy, but some girly out there must be needy for a weedy shy guy.' –fo #
  • 'fo' is obviously secret texty talk for 'flight of the conchords' #fotc #
  • Frei lebt wer sterben kann. — isak dinesen #
  • oh that time of night when my eyes become autonomous flames. excellent choice, sleepless brain. #
  • @themattlondon those anti-force sloths tripped me right out. in reply to themattlondon #
  • @themattlondon i agree. my initial enthusiasm for the prequels was based on zahn. also: noghri. yes. in reply to themattlondon #
  • @themattlondon exactly right. wreaks all kinds of hell with motivation, teamwork (could you work with yourself?), possible traitors, &c in reply to themattlondon #
  • @themattlondon as in, given enough possible chances, would some version of yourself turn & run? re-ally with somebody else? (obi-waaaaaaans) in reply to themattlondon #
  • have run. now writing. must finish this story today. the next thing and always the next thing. #outofmyhair #offmylawn #
  • It is meet to be here. Let us construct a watercloset. — Joyce, Ulysses #
  • @mkazoo spent all yesterday gathering polyfiber (not even RealWool). but now i am making pump-shotgun-style advances on this story #blamblam in reply to mkazoo #
  • @kelceyherrera eh some people should not "just dance." these people include those of us for whom "dancing" = "the enthusiastic cabbagepatch" in reply to kelceyherrera #
  • @damiengwalter BLOOD ORANGE TRANSFUSION. in reply to damiengwalter #
  • @realvalnolan here in america we just eat the copper. we are now filled with metal vitamins. #strength #conductivity in reply to realvalnolan #
  • @ittyprecious don't you just? perfect temperature, nice and overcast. nc currently contains the finest of all the weathers. in reply to ittyprecious #
  • @kelceyherrera some bodies contain more dancing than others. my body contains a lot of awkward standing, for instance. in reply to kelceyherrera #
  • all my plot-cogs are doing plot-coggy stuff in this story, all on their own. like a herd of freshly buttered snails down a slip n' slide. #
  • @kelceyherrera the awkward standing dance = shift from foot to foot, clamp your upper arms against your torso, & drywash your hands. #stylin in reply to kelceyherrera #
  • @realvalnolan we have also hollowed out the earth & built an escape moon inside. when we use up this husk of a planet we will fly away on it in reply to realvalnolan #
  • @mkazoo expectation management: currently it's a shambles. but it's all shambling in the same direction, at least, street of zombies style. in reply to mkazoo #
  • @realvalnolan "with limited space for refugees, who will climb out of the squalor and slaughter their way to a spot in the stars?" in reply to realvalnolan #
  • @ittyprecious sure am. just got back two weeks ago, looking for jobs and all that good stuff. how are you? you're in nyc, right? in reply to ittyprecious #
  • @realvalnolan i don't. what. don't even. what? in reply to realvalnolan #
  • @realvalnolan you puppet of hell-gibbons, you. in reply to realvalnolan #
  • @realvalnolan YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH in reply to realvalnolan #
  • 'you know, you're a lot like john boy walton.' — my grandmother, character consultant #
  • @ittyprecious in fuquay right now but not tied to it. i prefer ny, honestly, but i've never lived there, just visited. so, ignorance. in reply to ittyprecious #
  • a month & 9000 words later and all i have to say about that is, "oh hey, what a terrible story." #writing #whining #

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