- @mkazoo haha, love that. smooth beginning. then slowly start to tailspin. i'm usually all "not a problem, i can fix—" & then come weasels. in reply to mkazoo #
- the solution is nearly always: write another one. #
- @gralinnaea had a little fist-bumpy moment of solidarity with you yesterday over first draft loathing. in reply to gralinnaea #
- my new favorite expression is "below the salt." via raymond chandler. #hugshugsraymondchandler #
- i'm unduly excited about this pelikan brown ink. writing with a waterman philéas fountain pen on cardstock. #nerd #nerrrrrrd #
- maybe a little… RT @qikipedia: There is no money in poetry, but then there is no poetry in money, either.
ROBERT GRAVES (1895-1985) # - The sting #
- The stingray, i meant to say, bearing my name is dead. Succumbed to lionfish stings. A dark hour for us all. #
- baa baa baa baa vaa vaa vaa vaa baa baa &c #mcgurk #
- also, this fairly detailed labeled pinna diagram: http://t.co/sVLyYkQS #nerrrrd #
- @mkazoo external ear parts. also called an "auricle," which i'm pretty sure means you know the future but you only communicate cryptically. in reply to mkazoo #
- @mkazoo certainly the sass, but i'm hazy on what "afras" means. in reply to mkazoo #
- @danaROrana "I don't know, man. I think people, like, attribute quotes kinda willy-nilly on the internet, you know?" — Abraham Lincoln in reply to danaROrana #
- @danaROrana "Yeah, I feel you, holmes." — Charlemagne in reply to danaROrana #
- "I was just thinking the other day that @danaROrana is probably correct about all the information." — Sherlock Holmes in reply to danaROrana #
- @danaROrana just thought, "who is the most trustworthy person in history?" and my answer to myself was sherlock holmes. HWAELP TIME FOR BED. in reply to danaROrana #
- @mkazoo the oracle has spoken. her words are like all the gold dissolved in seawater. in reply to mkazoo #
- @mkazoo le sigh. in reply to mkazoo #
- "I’m afraid I just get [my material] by going to places and taking down copious notes because I can’t remember anything." — ian fleming #
- i'm going to the beach tomorrow. for work. will listen to le petit prince audiobook & try to convince my car to run on winks & smiles. #
- @danaROrana BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY. #birthday in reply to danaROrana #
- well-hey-there, tuesday. http://t.co/7aLd3eSf #
- je vais aller à la plage aujourd'hui, tout en écoutant "le petit prince." #woo #
- @rquat je comprends un petit peu de français, mais je suis encore à apprendre in reply to rquat #
- @rquat (la solution évidente est d'aller dans un pays différent.) in reply to rquat #
- @rquat le sigh. moi aussi. in reply to rquat #
- Saw a hearse with a sign in the back, name of sanders. So winnie the pooh is dead? #
- some people say, "when one door closes, another opens." other people, being all clever, have said, "when one door closes, open a window." #
- but really, a closed door merely poses the question: "are you willing to go out to the shed, grab an ax, & chop me down?" #heresjonathan #
- you … and I drank /
our fill /
to speak insatiably /
on this long path /
of nights /
that leads to friendship. http://t.co/L1ckw0BQ # - people tell me facebook is different now. isn't it still people sharing my personal data without my consent on le internet? how is this new? #
- if i could set my privacy settings to "erase everyone's everything everywhere," i would. #alas #
- @Renaissance_Art eh, whatever about facebook–i just went to your site & i love the notebooks. next time i need a 4×6 carry-along. in reply to Renaissance_Art #
- @kateulinah OH MAN THAT IS GREAT NEWS. i'll swing by lindsay, on. to pick up jimjams & meet you guys in k-town. in reply to kateulinah #
- @kateulinah one must fill the jimjams with carefully procured material. #jims #jams in reply to kateulinah #
- RT @McKelvie: REM were still together? #
- today's typing up stories soundtrack: belle & sebastian – i don't love anyone http://t.co/ZotlX3Fd #
- @danaROranaa soooo, ah, well, you knooowww… the thing is… #falsettotext #yogapants #
- @Keffy it's hardly "official" but @nytimes says @kimseverson is on the scene. in reply to Keffy #
- reasons to: play bass, wear tall socks, play rock, play roll. http://t.co/zLt0V8Kj (twin sister) #
- knowing is hard business, J.R.RT @qikipedia: Languages take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about. J.R.R. TOLKIEN #
- Und so wie eben, preßt Du Deine Schulter mit einem Ruck gegen Deinen Boogie-Kopf. http://t.co/CBiTnyfq 1984 groove compilation via @McKelvie #
- @plasticbrentley adjusting life goals. #NothingToLose #theTasteSublime #
- A slim jim stein full of strawberry smoothing http://t.co/xYH9jhwn #
- –smoothie, you say? mais sure thing. #
- @kateulinah i will send it to vancouver with my mind. in reply to kateulinah #
- @kateulinah i found a bag of frozen strawberries, so this one was: strawberries, a few blackberries, a banana, orange juice, some ice chips. in reply to kateulinah #
- i've had justice's "D.A.N.C.E." stuck in my head all day. what even. what. #
- @rquat except i spent all day talking the Serious Talks About Education to involved parents. THE WAY YOU MOVE IS A MYYYYSTEREE-EE != kosher. in reply to rquat #
- "Je comprends, et ne sachant m'exprimer sans paroles païennes, je voudrais me taire." — Rimbaud #
- @mkazoo given my expertise performing the cabbagepatch, i can say with fair certainty: you are doing it wrong. in reply to mkazoo #
- all i want is to download my mind into a spider-like exoskeleton. come on, science; do your science thing. #doit #science #thing #
- too elaborate jokes get the nay stamp. and now, since my brain is in elaborate joke mode, sleep. #
- @mkazoo the cabbage patch: explained. http://t.co/WFHyGR8U in reply to mkazoo #
- @alliq He was as tall as a 6' 2" tree. #analogies in reply to alliq #
- @rquat @alliq "The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when you fry them in hot grease." in reply to rquat #
- @rquat @alliq "The young fighter had a hungry look, the kind you get from not eating for a while." #
- @rquat there's one about somebody catching your eye like the hook on a slamming screen door, but i can't recall exactly. it was my favorite. in reply to rquat #
- @rquat wait, wait. number 5. all hail the power of sie googs. http://t.co/0Pm5vOBH in reply to rquat #
- i guess now would be an insensitive time to pitch #amc my educational soap opera spin-off, "all my children left behind." #
- "sé que me acusan de soberbia, y tal vez de misantropÃa, y tal vez de locura." — jorge luis borges, la casa de asterión #
- creaking around, sharpening the prongs of my walker on broken chunks of pavement. #allOldManChannel #allOldManTime #
- the chang tzuna school of wisdom. sometimes its students catch taolphins by accident & hush it up. #
- @MrDannyNoel the sidewalk ends in the projects. in reply to MrDannyNoel #
- @MrDannyNoel which is why i drink bourbon, my friend. whiskey doesn't end with the projects, it ends in the drainage ditch. in reply to MrDannyNoel #
- @mkazoo what, my horrible fishlosophy puns? in reply to mkazoo #
- RT @qikipedia: "It is better to be wrong than vague." — FREEMAN DYSON, theoretical physicist #
- @mkazoo THE CABBAGEPATCH IS FINE AND LOFTY ART. in reply to mkazoo #
- @smoonen i love that. also: must adjust my calendar to account for actual hg nights. in other news, brain failure. hung out with e&d, though in reply to smoonen #
- so a dimensionless constant is not an attribute of an object so much as a way to describe the relationship between objects or properties? #
- Don't just muse, produse. #
- @taylor_audrey i'm just a humble würtdsmythe in reply to taylor_audrey #
- universe in dipped wafflecone pls RT @smoonen: @paulboccaccio A dimensionless constant describes the shape, color, & taste of the universe #
- @smoonen (also i totally oxford-comma'd that list in my rt) in reply to smoonen #
- @mkazoo consider it done. and my cabbagepatch is nearly lovecraftian, compared to that other guy's. prepare yourself. in reply to mkazoo #
- @mkazoo my dancing is faust, destilled. all learnin about stuff i shouldn't know, all floutin gods, and despairin, and whatnot. in reply to mkazoo #
- @mkazoo sure thing. also please to correct "distilled." my brain was focused on adding prefix "be-" to things. bestilled? becaned? bedined? in reply to mkazoo #
- @mkazoo i am making a heart shape with my hands. do not judge me ill; it is a temporary lapse. in reply to mkazoo #
- @mkazoo http://t.co/dE7d10tS behold her mighty wings. just a suggestion. in reply to mkazoo #
- @mkazoo eh, it's not great overall. nacho libre, by the same people, is better. in reply to mkazoo #
- Tender fruit opening for mandolin orange' at the @catscradlenc #
- Good show. Made the lead singer hobble out twice on his crutches of encores #
- 'Crutches of encore' what? Stupid autocorrect. #
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