- @kelceyherrera wooooo in reply to kelceyherrera #
- Translated by Edward Gauvin: rt @wwborders: "We had turned China into a barren land…"- Li Kunwu & Philippe Ôtié http://t.co/NUVAsnxT" #
- @timpratt squirkey royale, the chimerical cage match. in reply to timpratt #
- @JenniferSmithCo @ferretthimself oh good, now I have a job description. in reply to ferretthimself #
- @AllisoNicole86 invite him in. Joy ensues? #rain #sleet #snow #caintstop #wontstop in reply to AllisoNicole86 #
- @AllisoNicole86 those shorts = daaaaaaang? in reply to AllisoNicole86 #
- Je vais prendre un café et un autre café et un autre café et un autre… #
- "woo yay for the whiskey of power!" — @danaROrana, career counselor #
- @hollyblack yesss. CAN. NOT. WAIT. FOR IT. in reply to hollyblack #
- @danaROrana LADIES IS PIMPS TOO; GO ON BRUSH YO SHOULDERS OFF, eh #canadianJayZ in reply to danaROrana #
- i want to ride up on one of these & say all smoothlike, "hey girl." RT @GreatDismal: DARPA's autonomous hellgoat
http://t.co/2cXP46tz # - @danaROrana well, yeah, me too,. in reply to danaROrana #
- @kelceyherrera i'm just glad i didn't have to break out the big guns, like "smh." #dang #ohdang #smug #excessive in reply to kelceyherrera #
- tues en un et tu es un assassin, tues en mille et tu es un conquérant, tues les tous et tu es un dieu #
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