- @monicabyrne13 a childlike alterego named wayne? is this batman? in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- Subcalifragilisticexpialidocious #
- –t at origami tigers and maybe you want to look at Pokemon cards with me during lunch. You don't have to. #freestyledevolution #
- @monicabyrne13 I will need to watch this television. see you later–i saw a heron yesterday near that lake. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- astula >> astella >> astele >> astelier >> atelier #transition #
- http://t.co/S7nnUK54 #pianopowers #jazz #dang #daaaang #
- @monicabyrne13 slay that scene, sceneslayer. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- http://t.co/fn83Ec8t good film & a lovely song. chantal goya – tu m'as trop menti #
- Tetsuuuuuuooooo-blue-steel RT @samhumphries: Anytime anyone quotes Zoolander I just quote the original English dub of AKIRA in its entirety. #
- Starting all the sentences today with "in my dotage…" #
- @glorioushubris: In my dotage, I will be too feeble to exit the loop my dotage creates. #
- @paolobacigalupi but @scalzi's band names are usually more sordid. So it might end as MY FAVORITE MUFFINTOP in reply to paolobacigalupi #
- The kind of tired where "exhausted" rhymes with "gin and tonic." #
- In soviet russia, topher grace's portrait throws rocks at YOU. #
- @Cait_Elizabeth is there an exact socially-normative-definition-of-masculine equivalent to a baller easter dress? in reply to Cait_Elizabeth #
- @taylor_audrey the most delicious of the fatigues. in reply to taylor_audrey #
- al esfuerzo y al heroÃsmo de una revolución #
- Hilly porter and the falafel her bones, hilly porter and the jabber of egrets, hilly porter and the reason oar of ad's cabana #
- Hilly porter and the giblets I hire, Hilly porter and the border of the kleenex, hilly porter and the lav brie rinse #
- Hilly porter and what deaf Lee hollers #
- If I start a distillery, my seven year whiskey will be branded "Answers," the twelve year "Solutions," and the eighteen year "Enlightenment" #
- Each bottle will come with a book of your vintner's choosing and a map to the nearest pond. #
- @taylor_audrey a wave as you blow by. Save travels–if you have time there's an ancient tree in SC I hear is worth seeing. in reply to taylor_audrey #
- @mkazoo at the bottom of the eighteen year, an inscription branded into the glass that will make one rejoice when drunk & shudder when sober in reply to mkazoo #
- @rquat (got your and @sportsnerd's card. Stoked, naturally.) #
- Read: RT @scalzi: I have let a doctor post an anonymous guest post on the subject of mandated transvaginal ultrasounds: http://t.co/jlZ7f234 #
- @themattlondon "there's a fleck of something under the screen cover" is the new "out, damn spot" in reply to themattlondon #
- @rstevens USE YOUR POWERS, STEVENS. MAKE THIS HAPPEN. in reply to rstevens #
- 'honeysuckle rose.' (anita o'day's version: http://t.co/IfqLpUBG ) #
- @rstevens WE CAN REBUILT THEM. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY. in reply to rstevens #
- @mkazoo it's probably up to me to forcibly take the time. in reply to mkazoo #
- to a well organised mind, it is not too dark to read inside of a dog. #
- Prince of Privilege: The Sands of Economics #
- @damiengwalter I think it involves breathing. Possibly some assmar initiative, now that politicos are all medical professionals. in reply to damiengwalter #
- @tiffaniangus unless the character is doing something story-worthy with those chinos, I do not care. in reply to tiffaniangus #
- Sf needs a cascade of micro genres like music has… (or please they exist but I'm ignorant of them?) #weirdthings #
- Where is written SF's trance, or shoe gaze, or witchmetal, or any of the sundry -cores? #weirdthings #
- I can see some patterns. we certainly have subgenres, but not defined by style as much as by subject. #weirdthings #
- @themattlondon @tiffaniangus true, and I love a choice detail… in reply to themattlondon #
- @themattlondon @tiffaniangus Ex: "His eyes were naturally heavy; he had an air of having wallowed, fully dressed, all day on an unmade bed." in reply to themattlondon #
- @themattlondon @tiffaniangus description doesn't have to be all jorts and scars and tousled hair. in reply to themattlondon #
- @themattlondon @tiffaniangus …I mean it can be, I guess… (quote was from Conrad, by the way) #
- "Deleted for stupid analogy." — John @scalzi
(put this on my headstone) #
- @realvalnolan oh sigh-erland in reply to realvalnolan #
- Woke up this morning laughing at myself because I had dreamed of a culture that played basketball with only one ball. #
- What is that called, when your brain sorts out the reality it prefers? #
- @Liz_Hand isn't that kind of silence how you know you're either trapped in an alien constructed reality, or the monster is about to eat you? in reply to Liz_Hand #
- When I hear the word "glissando," I imagine a cow-sized beetle with over-oiled mandibles, chittering in arthroaccented Italian. #
- "We are a dystopian society, and we don't even notice." RT @paolobacigalupi: My Kirkus op-ed, The Invisible Dystopia. http://t.co/NnU3lVSQ #
- CAN. NOT. WAIT. RT @hollyblack: Wooo! RT @Gollancz: Finished copies just in. […] trilogy by @hollyblack http://t.co/As6gAZN8 #
- @alisonluntz have you seen @paolobacigalupi's op-ed on how America is a dystopia for homosexual folks? #
- Inevitable Grief Engine #petnames #
- Third Cat #petnames #
- Are You Drunk? #petnames #
- …I really want a dog named "Are You Drunk?" so i can yell, "Are you drunk? Pee on those bushes. Okay, you're done; Get back in the house." #
- @damiengwalter isn't brazil the best version of 1984 onscreen? Anyway, John Hurt plays Winston in my head. in reply to damiengwalter #
- This dude is a human-sized heap of rogaine and cocaine, all mashed together. #
- @taylor_audrey I am ignorant, unfreaked out, and curious. What reference? in reply to taylor_audrey #
- whenever i see folks striking that delightful charlie's angels finger-guns pose, i want to give them real pistols & a motive each. #
- Them applebottom jeans speak what no words may utter. #tweetspeare #
- When griping grief the heart doth wound,
and doleful dumps the mind oppresses,
then git low, git low git low. #shawty #tweetspeare # - grammar lesson gives examples like this: "Ensuite, qu'en est-il du clone?" and i think, an SF primer is the way to teach me a language. #
- This book is superb. RT @Liz_Hand: Party for Available Dark tonight — black leather jacket & Tony Lama boots optional http://t.co/xOzGN3GK #
- "un sportif canadien." #
- "But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly, because I can't afford insurance." #
- @indiangurl4lyfe madam, I salute you. in reply to indiangurl4lyfe #
- @Liz_Hand me too! Best wishes for the party/readings. Are you going to record any of it? in reply to Liz_Hand #
- @alisonluntz I would read le guin on any subject, anytime. Have you read 'the dispossessed?' aces. in reply to alisonluntz #
- Tim Teboleyn #
- Folks in NYC, go here. RT: @TheMysterious: Don't forget! Party for AVAILABLE DARK by Elizabeth Hand TONIGHT at 6:30 pm! http://t.co/s3YVnsmE #
- Youth lagoon concert. In which i am the cool dad. #
- sippin' on that workahol. #delicious #thegrainsofsandthataremylife #hairflips #
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