- Took me one read-through to find & solve the error that stymied me all week. I now can't understand my previous thought process. #
- @realvalnolan re the drunken Irish stereotype breaking into the queen's yard: does every drunken Irishman want to be Sophie from 'the BFG?' in reply to realvalnolan #
- @realvalnolan secondly, you have no idea how much I want to be walking the prom this very minute, fog or no. in reply to realvalnolan #
- @realvalnolan please put out a periodical entitled "Every Drunken Irishman." it is for educational purposes. in reply to realvalnolan #
- @realvalnolan a pirate's funeral in the rain, wherein the priest is drunk & we all take communion only to supersymbolically throw up after. in reply to realvalnolan #
- @damiengwalter Cajun chicken biscuit from bojangles, here in the American south. It's like a scone with meat in. in reply to damiengwalter #
- @damiengwalter Join us, Damien. Join the Gilded Assembly of Meat Scones. in reply to damiengwalter #
- Church of Our Lady of Meat Scones. #
- @damiengwalter but in the UK, "capital" means "really good," doesn't it? I know your culture; I seen you guys wearing waistcoats. in reply to damiengwalter #
- @realvalnolan the shriek of human souls only sounds in the bus. The hearse will play four bars of a lost Miles Davis recording, over & over. in reply to realvalnolan #
- @realvalnolan I thought the official national anthem was "green wee ti-garrs, you work for old ÅšÃÅ„Å„ FáÃÅ„…" sung to the tune of "o Canada". in reply to realvalnolan #
- @monicabyrne13 I wonder if tasmania's tourism dept approves of this scandalous behavior. I just wonder, is all. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- YUSS. RT @hollyblack: I am really, really, really excited for the release of BLACK HEART on April 3rd. It’s the … http://t.co/M7tYI6x7 #
- Weekend score: dad found an oldish beautifully bound copy of Henry clay's translation of the divine comedy #
- My brother sometimes includes citations from urbandictionary in his letters to me. #mylawn #gerrolfit #
- Celtic vengeance. RT @realvalnolan: Oh Ireland, I look at you baring your collective flabby body to a vengeful sun god and I say, 'Me too!'. #
- Add to weekend delights: @danaROrana made The Sauce What Would Tempt An Entire Monastery To Misdeeds. #lunch #wutup #
- current cultural curators: @mkazoo, dance; @monicabyrne13, theatre; @damiengwalter, books & yelling about them; @GreatDismal, extemporanea. #
- @damiengwalter yeah. It's more like an earnest environmental sermon than an sf novel. in reply to damiengwalter #
- @Cait_Elizabeth I concur. You have some neat siblings yourself, doncha. in reply to Cait_Elizabeth #
- @mkazoo got video of nureyev/fonteyn's swan lake. i still have no functional dance vocabulary, so trying to describe it is getting hilarious in reply to mkazoo #
- they made a tongueless beast that parrots lines: http://t.co/AfRDKNi0 #
- While i wrote i froze, and what i could not write by the beams of the sun i finished by candlelight. –some scribe #
- new game: british food or skin disease? examples: neeps, stovies, cawl, bubble and squeak, toad in the hole, &c. #
- Don't say 'pretty' when you mean 'talented.' #
- Game: Find someone from another country & whenever you see him, start whispering the words to his national anthem. Don't blink. #
- @indiangurl4lyfe peau d'ane fits that description. in reply to indiangurl4lyfe #
- @indiangurl4lyfe clearly this person lives on the bleeding edge. Vanguardista, indeed. in reply to indiangurl4lyfe #
- just need to know if there is already an emoticon for vomiting pelican or #
- how many fad diets do you need to invent before you really make it big. is there like an average or whatever. #handfulsdiet #
- @timpratt you could get a fence to sell them on alibris, or build something cool out of them, as @MadHatterReview suggested… in reply to MadHatterReview #
- @damiengwalter I bought a Cajun meatscone today and forgot to send you a photo. Sorry. #
- @monicabyrne13 glad they interest you. Guess I won't move to tweeting only excerpts of the inferno paraphrased by kermit the frog, then. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @alisonluntz someone, either me or you. Flip for it. Though "the mosaic of all diets" is perhaps better termed "gluttony" or "scavenging." in reply to alisonluntz #
- "What's all that?" Timmy asked. #mantra #
- hahahahahahahaha RT “@YeeGlish7360: @paulboccaccio wow,this diet plan taking on storm in US, . [spamlink]" #
- @tripsonsunlight hey, I have a friend who's thinking of trying for aveda. Can I give her your contact stuff? in reply to tripsonsunlight #
- the #handfulsdiet can halt hurricanes, silence cyclones; a game-changer, love-deranger; it'll buff out your soul and make you feel whole. #
- @monicabyrne13 the constant wind doesn't help either. I'm surprised there wasn't an x-character at some point called "the diet." in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 argh, crossed my weird spam jokes with inferno jokes. To be fair I just passed the circle where everybody is buffeted by wind in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 storm is an x-men character who can control the weather, and I guess she makes it snow a lot? Also make it windy. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 and some spambot sent me something about a diet "taking on storm" right when you sent that. So. Ehh… Jokes: I got em. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 (not quite sashimi-grade, sadly) in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- MT @timpratt: Confirmation that [poet Adrianne] Rich has died. I know what books I'll be re-reading tonight. http://t.co/f57fzUDa #
- want want want RT “@FRANCE24: Swiss solar plane to attempt 48-hour flight to Morocco http://t.co/gexlALnH†#
- leaving work while the sun is still up. #hssss #
- I hope the horrifying rendition of the birds & bees talk I just gave @danaROrana is enough to scare her away from boys, storks, & hospitals. #
- It was: the bee grabs some pollen, flies over a river, gets eaten by a fish, which gets eaten by a stork. The stork can't digest the pollen- #
- –so the stork tries to vomit, but can't, because the frothing mass of pollen and half-digested fish is too dense and clogs its esophagus– #
- -so it flails about the marsh, seeking death, never finding it. It hears a faint whistling that speaks to its soul on an evolutionary level- #
- -the stork follows the whistling to find a woman, her belly button a tiny whistling mouth. The whistling is the perfect pitch– #
- -that loosens the gullet of the bird. The uterus of the girl crawls out of her belly button like a feeding starfish and devours the stork– #
- -it feeds on the pollen, slowly digesting it over a nine month period. When the uterus is done, it poops out what is left. #
- You are, therefore, the death of a honeybee, a fish, a stork, and a rumbling dream. Happy birthday, kid. #
- @taylor_audrey convince your panic hamster to play punk rock. in reply to taylor_audrey #
- @taylor_audrey (also: you will kick a butt, at least–maybe all the butts. I don't know how many exactly; I'm not a scientist.) in reply to taylor_audrey #
- Princess gummi vitamins, all day, every day. Er, I mean, "rye in a tin cup, misogyny, pretty dead things, and boxing" #hemingwayhairflip #
- @monicabyrne13 if I can make even one person wish they were a cleanly manufactured robot, I will not have lived in vain. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 meh, vielleicht ich kann ein wenig krank aber wahrscheinlich nur müde sein. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 das ist gesünder für den gegenwart, ich bin mir sicher. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 ich sollte "die Gegenwart" geschrieben haben. Buh, ich habe keine Bock mehr. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 "ich habe keine Bock mehr" is an idiom meaning, "I've had it" or "I'm knackered." like "ich habe ein Schnauze voll." in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- Hand lettered discarded words. http://t.co/1f8kFjq6 via @brainpicker #
- @Keffy @lizargall wish I were going with both of you. I make the disgruntled face instead. in reply to Keffy #
- @Keffy trying to choose between psylinked clones & projecting my astral node-self cross country. I think the TSA scans for ectoplasm, though in reply to Keffy #
- @lizargall herm, I've gone to ground this year, actually… No cons whatsoever. in reply to lizargall #
- Wrote 2000 words on a new story. About time. #writing #
- Off to read the inferno and sleep. I keep hoping that Dante will seed my dreams with oddments, but no joy. #
- @kateulinah at first glance i read hongdae as "hogsmeade" in reply to kateulinah #
- Make your Friday sweeter by reading @john_clute's newly revised #SFE entry on mars: http://t.co/J3zPXjgK #
- @monicabyrne13 oh pj in the city. in the same broadsweeping category of fresh life, but from the suburbs: http://t.co/5LkPZs6L in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- #wotd via @damiengwalter: "testerical", e.g. "that bro just gets testerical when you criticise him. can't just be a PROFESSIONAL about it." #
- Does anybody else feel like Faust? #destroyedbyknowledge RT @qikipedia: More than 50% of koalas have chlamydia #
- @ken_schneyer just had an image of the AllGrady, dressed up like Odin, with an eyepatch. in reply to ken_schneyer #
- all those mortgagees like the way I lien / when I calculate a rate make cells sizzle green #waitwhat #
- @tiffaniangus cryptoforests & the worm might have some tangential relation to your garden book: http://t.co/zvmSlPTJ via @mjohnharrison #
- http://t.co/DF1CeGu1 i mapped this site last year–first place i saw a seahare (the flappy slug one that gets mugged at the end). #
- if you are a sneaky pete you might be able to get @hollyblack's new novel, "black heart," before the official release date. as in, today. #
- Sneaky pete success. Have acquired @hollyblack's new novel 'black heart' http://t.co/oPUJEeXP #
- @_kateherrin (such a smart, bleak book.) in reply to _kateherrin #
- @hollyblack just re-read red glove to refresh the world in my head. so. good. now to black heart. b&n has no idea what "release date" means. in reply to hollyblack #
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