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Weekly Tweet Digest – 2012-05-06

  • "Oh well, she's just not… A thinker, you know?" — my mother, cognition specialist #
  • Just saw john kessel at the elvis costello concert in Durham. Like whoa, man. #
  • doctor whiskey. is it possible. that you are not a real certified cardiologist. is that true. #
  • sleep to this. #
  • sleep to anything, honestly. just sleep. #
  • Toyota Romulus approaches a dump truck, blocks traffic. #
  • My grandmother has just voted against amendment one in NC. #YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH #impressed #
  • @dropping_dombs #AmendmentShun in reply to dropping_dombs #
  • Phaselus ille, quem uidetis, hospites,
    ait fuisse nauium celerrimus,
    neque ullius natantis impetum trabis
    nequisse praeterire… #
  • @AllisoNicole86 my parents too! I'm so proud. in reply to AllisoNicole86 #
  • @plasticbrentley grandma did not freeze herself in a glacier during the second ice age only to reawaken at our hour of need for THIS America in reply to plasticbrentley #
  • @plasticbrentley Patrick Henry would not die for the sins of this Harris Teeter America. in reply to plasticbrentley #
  • @plasticbrentley Nah, snooki kissed dating goodbye so she can carry her best life now for a purpose driven pregnancy by the powers of jabez. in reply to plasticbrentley #
  • @damiengwalter or Beige Leicester, Tan Leicester, Delightfully Neutral Eggshell Leicester in reply to damiengwalter #
  • "Наша Таня громко плачет:
    Уронила в речку мячик.
    – Тише, Танечка, не плачь:
    Не утонет в речке мяч." — агния барто #
  • New game: 1) Draw a perfect square on a piece of paper. 2) Convince yourself that it's upside down.

    Congratulations, now you're an adult. #

  • worst day ever, won't you back that thang up. can I crawl into the sewer, won't you back that thang up. #
  • hey doctor whiskey, doctor brandy, doctor gin: you can steal away my mixer but you cannot take my burrrr-bin. #
  • @vyemoran both of them, I should hope. I am leaping around my apartment with excitement. in reply to vyemoran #
  • if the writers of the new testament epistles had any sense of privacy they would have never #
  • #wotd is "ferrule." #
  • @damiengwalter or walking stick, yeah. Tools to jab at the world. in reply to damiengwalter #
  • Queen Pyhrric Victoria #
  • @dropping_dombs tomes o' pomes or git y'seff home, holmes. in reply to dropping_dombs #
  • stackin groats like a moneystoat reekin of usury, you voles on the tollbridge, gitcha ta choosin me #
  • In the plagiarized words of my coworker: after Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF. #coffeemugcatladyjokes #
  • @monicabyrne13 with angels like this, who needs devils? or anything else, really. #tildafficiency in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • "Noli hoc tangere." — Christus Hammer #
  • (it's probably better "posse non tangere" but WHATEVER y'all, nemo omnia potest sciri) #
  • still bad at Latin dot xanga dot edu slash zombocom slash give up #
  • @dropping_dombs is that puttybaby taped to an anti-medicine propaganda piece? in reply to dropping_dombs #
  • @taylor_audrey thanks! There is always something good in each day. in reply to taylor_audrey #
  • @monicabyrne13 even my correction wasn't correct: it's more like "non posse hoc tangere", still unsure of case. mistakes in public #ohaaaaay in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • @monicabyrne13 also, I have lost my taste for very sweet things. Though that caramel whatsit sounds good. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • RT @mjohnharrison: "there is nothing 'inside' a word" via @dialoghost #
  • parce que moi je rêve, moi je ne le suis pas #
  • Replace the "get to know your coworkers" section of the corporate intraweb with the DSM-IV #
  • @monicabyrne13 all we wee folk win that joust. #weewee #weeeeeducation in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • @monicabyrne13 OH I WONDER IF. THEY WILL HAVE. LINGUISTICS. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • hallucinating roofdogs yes will mercy be to eat the horses just so roofdogs won't tear at them I don't know I said if that counts as mercy I #

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