- in flatland, they pray the angleus #
- When someone mentions their "inner child" I think they believe in preformationism and then get angry at them for playing favorites. #
- Just compared my sister to a fainting goat. #
- "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." — wittgenstein (incentive to learn &/or make a language to match your perception.) #
- @danaROrana #accuracy is the best #policy in reply to danaROrana #
- pack the levee with bags of coffee #
- @monicabyrne13 hello hospital or hello discomfort? in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 (orbital epinephrine deployment drones powering down) in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- Coworker has referred to her ongoing pursuit of understanding what I am even talking about as "paulanthropy comprehensive reasoning studies" #
- @damiengwalter just found: @kellanbc, @dialoghost, @othersome. Thoughts percolating re phrase novelty versus uncanniness; brands of tentacle #
- @damiengwalter Familiar weird v kind of unsettling fic that reprints familiar categories. So many squids out there, they're getting cuddly. #
- i can never remember if skin is made of keratin or ketamine or what but I guess it depends whose skin right #
- mise en Jim Beam #
- @monicabyrne13 better than kelvlar, which is I guess just armor measured by a different scale? in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- how long until milquetoast grocerystore dwelling hermit feels ashamed that aisle-wide pasta barricade includes pretentious wholewheat penne? #
- barricades, palisades, limeades, lampshades. how ironic, so many pleasant ones. and yet #
- Voted against amendment one. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for a second man who wants insurance. #
- today voted against a terrible law & ate a burrito while driving; didn't even dribble any on my pants. Basically i'm Burrito Revere. #Ladies #
- @AllisoNicole86 and I am eating spinach leaves at work. Clearly you win this exchange. in reply to AllisoNicole86 #
- @monicabyrne13 thanks for the link. It doesn't look promising, here at the start… #Amendment1 #against in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @plasticbrentley the response from the folks we know bothers me most. They will know you by your love for one another, indeed. in reply to plasticbrentley #
- Know your sewer's sickness by its sumptoms. #
- plantar warts taut with semiotic liquid; communicable qualia vacuoles; all underfoot material; assembly of loam & bridges into organ system. #
- mantequila = agave butter #
- @othersome better than an argument with a strip mined and ignorant people, though. #
- #wotd is "rio." as in "river" or "I just bought two plane tickets to Rio Janeiro." #
- @monicabyrne13 the flight from buenos aires to rdu is literally double the cost. talk about disincentive. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @monicabyrne13 many, many buses. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- Like Coach said, "There is no 'i' in 'whiskey.'" #
- "cognatic descent" ISN'T sitting around drunkenly yelling "yer mam" at one another to determine lineage? humans, you disappoint me YET AGAIN #
- examining sun chips for Mayan influence. #
- look I know vengeance is technically yours all right that's cool I just wanna see it for a sec #
- Loganline, the story of a young clawed mutant taking field trips with his French boarding school #
- Black Widow's Web: she weaves words into her web and steals gems to save her friend, Wilburine, who is Some Mutant #
- tie-dyerwolves, dangerous hippie pack #
- Reign in Lymph #
- @dialoghost THAT IDIOT IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS. in reply to dialoghost #
- @monicabyrne13 they'll eat anything insensate in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- grave rhymes with shave. what does that mean. you guys. #
- @realvalnolan Nietzsche in da club, Nietzsche on da roof, Nietzsche in a random taxicab, Nietzsche reclining by mountain spring with a lyre. in reply to realvalnolan #
- Chev Neufchâtelios, cheeseheart #
- @realvalnolan I also. Even with Nietzsche there yammering about death and so on. #
- Via @realvalnolan, the glories of ireland. http://t.co/hM5BVJ8S #
- @realvalnolan ineffectual Garda! Inexplicable sport! So good. So good. in reply to realvalnolan #
- @realvalnolan that's called a "police siren" over here. (still not over or understanding the bus shriek, true, nor the casual acceptance it) in reply to realvalnolan #
- @monicabyrne13 the quotesea is the best part in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @realvalnolan that is terrifying. I think Detroit has a similar problem, but they blame theirs on Canada. in reply to realvalnolan #
- Masque of the Red Def Jam #
- "feral wheeze mittens" = my slurname for the kind of lungs that do not cooperate. …i am just trying to say i'm sorry you have asthma okay. #
- @dropping_dombs hushup, piggie's got the conch. (this is my favorite thing to say when somebody else is getting interrupted) in reply to dropping_dombs #
- I call her Auretha Franklins because that voice is gold money. #
- 2019 – Monsanto creates tobacco-scuppernong hybrid vines that can live on Venus. The scent of their leaves causes immediate liver damage. #
- kittenrobots with emotive AI and programmed sneezes bring the butlerian squeehad #
- @plasticbrentley best kid moue award. are those his glasses? in reply to plasticbrentley #
- whaletail wedgie, a cetacean section #
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