- Borges interview http://t.co/fEaQ8KYN #
- "eh, I don't mind being humbled if I get what I want." — my father, holiness expert #
- "Hey, will you hold this for a minute?" *offers hand* #yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhh #
- @tiffaniangus most expressly not in that vein at all, tell him "hi" from me! Also, "BECANED." Drowning in work, but I send all the love. in reply to tiffaniangus #
- Shall I compare thee to a ratty pair of long johns? #
- @Keffy I was explaining to @monicabyrne13 this week how my image of How Science Happens is now you scrambling around complex instruments — in reply to Keffy #
- @Keffy dumping tubes of liquids together, shouting about beakers, hurling mixtures into unbalanced centrifuges, Discovering New Elements &c. in reply to Keffy #
- @Keffy so that is a thing you have given the world that is unruined. (I'm certain you're a better scientist than my romantic ideal, though.) in reply to Keffy #
- @danaROrana #mirrorshades #smarm #palatablefailure #
- Raw bacon poultice. Dip wound in whole-milk-fortified mayonnaise for double efficacy. #
- Nothing quite like blasting the beastie boys' "ill communication" to an empty office while I write a technical manual. #
- taquitos right #
- on this mothers' day, remember: keep today about your mom; use birth control. #birthcontrol #birthcontrol #
- The best birth control is necromancy. The best birth control is social ineptitude. The best birth control is an immeasurable cloud of moths. #
- New game: replace the word "gun" with "birth" on NRA bumper stickers. #
- best method of birth control is converting all genitals to robot spiders & sending them to mars to start a rock/roll band with David Bowie. #
- New game: test how plaintively you can whisper a Mexican restaurant's menu into your coworker's voicemail. Include several takes. #
- salable rest only somewhat more desirable than taquitos in fact #
- @dropping_dombs no no see this is the scientific natural state of all human people which is how to lure the spiders onto the ship like ET AL in reply to dropping_dombs #
- all my internal parts are made of unsleeping fists and they are all furious for no reason #
- tiny muscle in my lip twitching like it's the only woodelf at the crack rave #
- bro if you are going to meaningfully contribute to this collective flesh you have to chilllllllll oooouuuutttt #
- well fine, who do YOU think the Cheever of hip hop is? #
- By the sweat of your brow you will make waffles. And they won't even taste sweaty. #
- I'm only DJ SWEATBREADS in the studio, and you know that. How dare you call me at home. How dare you. #
- "Elle a passé, la jeune fille
Vive et preste comme un oiseau
À la main une fleur qui brille,
À la bouche un refrain nouveau." — nerval # - "C'est peut-être la seule au monde
Dont le coeur au mien répondrait,
Qui venant dans ma nuit profonde
D'un seul regard l'éclaircirait!" # - "Mais non,—ma jeunesse est finie…
Adieu, doux rayon qui m'as lui,—
Parfum, jeune fille, harmonie…
Le bonheur passait,—il a fui!" # - sleep or do not, there is no try #
- "the bloodsport of romcoms" — does this movie exist? if not, why not? "her heart was a kicking fist! blood everywhere, even in her veins!" #
- @danaROrana on the other hand I would wear that bra like everywhere like to the grocery store just up around my hair like a fancy Easter hat in reply to danaROrana #
- Carlos Fuentes is dead. Not a good year for artists. #
- @LSH85 @othersome hork-bajir-canoes in reply to LSH85 #
- the sort of thing that makes me want to ride buses, man RT @McKelvie: #bestbusseat with @beckycloonan and @andybelanger http://t.co/2Ob8skHB #
- best thing about work today: one of my fellow programmers taught me how to say तेरी माठकी अंडकोष #
- @monicabyrne13 approximately: "your mother's testicles" in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- The enemy of my enemy is still at enmity with somebody. All you hooligans put that Frust on ice. — @DalaiLama #
- Disappointed in the insufficient cotton candy nutrition of panflash novelty futurism & falsofresh neologinaut fads? Learn Greek; read Homer. #
- @kellanbc I would watch "sleepless in the sprawl" allday-erryday. in reply to kellanbc #
- Confusing for @nebs2012, he's going to see a lot of #nebs2012 traffic. so "hi bro~I'll make a friend" should be the nebula slogan this year. #
- Donna Summer is dead. #
- @damiengwalter an endless selfdefined dreamfugue birthing unbodied simultaneous perspectives within the mind = the easiest difficult setting in reply to damiengwalter #
- @vyemoran just write REDRUM on the walls of your apartment instead. in reply to vyemoran #
- @plasticbrentley @vyemoran I'll paint the city the exact color it was; the only way you'll know I was there will be the scent of fresh paint in reply to plasticbrentley #
- @vyemoran @plasticbrentley don't tell us what we like MOM in reply to vyemoran #
- @allipq happy birthday! to you. in reply to allipq #
- @vyemoran what is this "instead of" you talking? You will get your ice-cream; you will get your day in the sun. in reply to vyemoran #
- Yggdrasilla = Norse butter #
- @JulyVPC c'est vraie. est-ce de la "Lone Wolf and cub" la film? in reply to JulyVPC #
- @JulyVPC oh, okay. ça est une belle film. (merci beaucoup pour votre répond. J'ai besoin vraiment de pratique le français 🙂 ) in reply to JulyVPC #
- what's that called when a police officer passes you on the right with his lights off while talking on his mobile? "reckless driving," is it? #
- @vyemoran nah, I only whistle in German. lately lots of my friends have said guys harass them on the street. didn't know that still happened in reply to vyemoran #
- |:D #roofdogs #thehorses #
- @vyemoran i frown. This is a sad and frightening thing and I dislike that sort of behavior. in reply to vyemoran #
- @dropping_dombs I bought a pound of cherries this morning and then the cherries were gone so what does that mean like what does it #mean man in reply to dropping_dombs #
- Wageslave wageslave wageslave wageslave. There, now my autocorrect knows the word. #
- Hidgeamony? Of the whatnow? RT @abuttguy: http://t.co/skrwCZ3p #
- man if you can't grow a tusklike prosthesis with only this flesh printer and the autocad of your own will, we won't even let you in the club #
- @monicabyrne13 #tantalussing #obviouslazyjokes in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- Amateurboscis monkey #
- O sleep where is your victory #
- hey guys, say that thing about the deadlines again. that one was good. http://t.co/kc0HdnVu #
- @monicabyrne13 Futterneid. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- New game: mustache. #
- #wotd = ouistiti – French for "marmoset" #
- @damiengwalter what tweet-length excerpts from books do you think are worthy of notice? #WisdomOfHungerGames #
- @damiengwalter sad confession moment: I still, still, still have never read any murakami. Even though everyone I know foams at his mention. in reply to damiengwalter #
- My parents are actively trolling my officebound despair with gorgeous photos from a mountainside chateau. Did I raise them to act like THIS? #
- @damiengwalter I think @mkazoo and @monicabyrne13 feel as strongly about murakami. He's my next read, after Dante. Is he as good as Dante? in reply to damiengwalter #
- I don't know how y'all see it, but when it comes to the children, wu-tang is for the children; we teach the children. you know what I mean? #
- now i see the funny side #
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