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Weekly Tweet Digest – 2012-06-10

  • @monicabyrne13 I know right? Babies should just like READ some KEATS or SOMETHING. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • Schlumping around Brooklyn with no shirt like the protagonist from a 50s lit short story. My grousing is now Symbolic. #
  • @plasticbrentley my ennui is going to cook some eggs, if you want some. in reply to plasticbrentley #
  • @dropping_dombs do. in reply to dropping_dombs #
  • A book, riding a horse. #
  • Every cup of this coffee is a vote for freedom. #
  • livin every wek like its shart wek #
  • CUDD LYFE #KnuckleTats #sleepytime #
  • Science now suggests conception is NOT like that scene in star wars during which the death star blows up, but more like when the rancor dies #
  • Whomever said, "if you love something, set it free" never worked at the Center for Disease Control. #epidemiophile #
  • Toting this jar of honey with the honeycomb STILL IN as if it were a cooler of black market livers and I were a gourmet high on bath salt. #
  • @pata_sucia I use all parts of the bumper. Waste not. in reply to pata_sucia #
  • After the concierge finishes with the fire extinguisher, I usually try to hiss something about classism before I lose consciousness. #polite #
  • @thedombshelter @pintocholo @rts94 perhaps "shud u? wud u neways?" or "whose shoes" in reply to thedombshelter #
  • teeth considered as hollow elastic cones #
  • today wins worst Tuesday award #
  • Dear Buick driver wearing a reflective vest. Dear fellow. #
  • @hey_friend lovely! And yes, slightly ominous. I want to make a gif, giving each of you the twitchy eye. in reply to hey_friend #
  • high definition photographs of all the pores in your skin, one after another, frame by frame, all. Which of them will you remember? #
  • @alisonluntz his sedan is so spacious, it reminds him of the endless expanse surrounding spinning earth. Reflective vest soothes his terror. in reply to alisonluntz #
  • @alisonluntz what I am saying here is: SPACE HUNTERS. in reply to alisonluntz #
  • Celebrating the wedding of Amandayan Dachelle Quattlebaylor this fine day. #randy2012 #

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