- Mimimomomizolalilamialomuelamironoriminos. #
- Today has been a chrome trucknutz kind of day. http://t.co/QNalKPWq #
- Should have poured more stimulants in the blood-surrogate. #
- Spaderunner: deckchair searches the back yard for the rogue gardening robot; asks all the tools in the shed mean questions about turtles. #
- Tentacular meeting productivity. #doodle http://t.co/82fYXHOO #
- If I had walked into the barbershop lisping about MEINE LUFTWAFFE I would've received the same haircut. #fatherland #FATHERLAND #MACHSCHNELL #
- In other news: Gimlets. #
- tom waits & gin & a fresh moustache. the world as it stands knows few sweeter pleasures. http://t.co/b83bJATy #
- Off the leadbelly record, he says. http://t.co/fXvIn9CX #
- New game: read the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary aloud until your mouth becomes platonic ideal fabricator & a universe orbits your desk. #
- @monicabyrne13 I prefer Tom waits's version, though this one is quite good as well. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- Is there a literary equivalent to covering a song? #
- weevil says he's a boll-er, but he ant: that's aphid. A Raid? He fleas. crushin on that black widow–started strutting as soon as he spider. #
- @monicabyrne13 that makes sense. So some stories (like beauty and the beast) are the story equivalent of jazz standards in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- @thedombshelter evening of the tenth. Overnight, over sea. in reply to thedombshelter #
- @thedombshelter @danarorana #SCINTILLATING #CONVERSATION in reply to thedombshelter #
- @kellanbc i misread "calamities" as "catamites." hm. in reply to kellanbc #
- saw prometheus last night: pretty but dumb. which I guess is true of even the mythical Titan. #tentacledeagles #
- Perks of employment. http://t.co/LBYJSJ4t #
- Battle of air dunking while shredding air guitar, Charles Barkley Buscemi versus Steven Tyler Moore. #
- @mkazoo stress squeezer plushie of a ray in reply to mkazoo #
- "…et vous, vierges, /
Du vice maternel traînant l'hérédité /
Et toutes les hideurs de la fécondité!" — Baudelaire # - @nice_mustard he wants another calzone? Don't let him eat the calzone. Don't let him eat the calzone. Don't let him eat the calzone (x10000) in reply to nice_mustard #
- New game: organize the pantomime olympics for neighborhood pets. #
- Geometric! RT @TylerLeClair1: The angles sang a whiskey lullaby #
- @danaROrana I put rent on the counter if you want to spend it on AC. #oh #snap in reply to danaROrana #
- New stingrays in the aquarium at work. One is doing pushups. #potamotrygon http://t.co/bgocEpSn #
- @jodikatherine i believe that is called a "gin and tonic." in reply to jodikatherine #
- @taylor_audrey I want to be one. in reply to taylor_audrey #
- ich habe alles auswendig gelernt #
- @thedombshelter @pintocholo YOUR BEAST LYFE NOW #toothysmize #eyeteeth #mayanbloodritesoundtrack in reply to thedombshelter #
- @danaROrana Friend Zucchini, we knew ye So Well. in reply to danaROrana #
- @pintocholo @thedombshelter sometimes (this time, right now) I am glad I am completely ignorant of what the kids are into. #goombasomething in reply to pintocholo #
- @mattfraction have they covered "stop or my mom will shoot" yet? in reply to mattfraction #
- why don't we have game night like the grandmas perched on the dust precipice gambling with baby potato interpersonal favours in fando y lis? #
- what. what is the sound of flies. so many flies. #unambiguousmisogyny #
- & then all the grandmas hate you, and call out the younger girls to whip you until they make a panel of squatting folk near your fallen form #
- buffalo sounds. all the dads came to form this prancing line and bellow buffalo sounds and leave fando in the dust. #unfair #fandoylis #
- laying in a shallow grave, like one does. paralytic lady yelling about it. must run and then moodily sit over the creaking corpse heap. #
- of an evening: go to burning piano jazz party where puppeteer clowns chase you, or stuff an eviscerated doll with grass snakes? #fandoylis #
- licking some feet now. dead feet maybe. everybody seems pretty into it, i guess, but we just dragged her down a mountain, so i don't know. #
- funeral song! build a drum from my corpse! #fandoylis #
- @monicabyrne13 or the best patch? now we have lots of hinge sounds. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- even dressed as a diva, fando is the worst dancer at the revel. let's all make the post-bacchanal awkhugs. #fandoylis #
- un poco de sangre por amor a dios. UN POCO DE SANGRE POR AMOR A DIOS. #fandoylis #obamacare #
- drawing blood sounds like a meth lab made of balloon animals. #fandoylis #obamacare #
- "be quick, my admirers are waiting to watch me die." "bravo, she's the best. she's the best at dying. what a performance." #fandoylis #
- so the baby bird that sounds like sonar lived inside the old guy until they cut him? entire journey to tar is while the spider is burning? #
- huh, unkind toward women, then. #fandoylis #
- if you wear a funnel for a hat, it's safe to trepan yourself and have a feast in the salt flats. #fandoylis #
- dead people do not belong in coffins. they belong in mud baths, shallow divots, anyplace but a grave. you tell them, fando. #fandoylis #
- if i die young, cover me in grass snakes. que bonito es un entierro. #fandoylis #
- within the grieving cycle, a previously undocumented stage: covering yourself with leaves and muttering. #fandoylis #
- the dead are all naked, and sneaky. #fandoylis #fin #
- @danaROrana dressy-shirt (drirty?) soulmate = matching trousers. leggings need not apply. in reply to danaROrana #
- @danaROrana the two are not linked, methinks. exchange mix tapes instead? #modernity #so #hip #rightnow #cassettetapes in reply to danaROrana #
- @kateulinah please stop publicly objectifying @NicholasStenner. in reply to kateulinah #
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