- a week into the sublime fortnight #elarteperformance of Mult Washington. watching events unfold with bladed breath… am i correct, Gladys? #
- also: montevideo » salto » concordia » puerto iguazú » rosario » córdoba. #
- Most Terrible Mangentleman, the Porteño Plan: 1) drink everybody's alcohol 2) shout 3) smell terrible and often 4) snore more than he smells #
- please tell me yes tell me again forever exactly yes about the zoo & all the things & furthermore spray misogyny on all the attendant ladies #
- snoring = tearing a towel down the middle, one per endless breath, forever. #elarteperformance #
- @buen_donado @multwashington true & i have not even related the Shrill Franceses, but they can't diminish córdoba—it's quite the pretty city in reply to buen_donado #
- anywhey, so much for hwhining. we're off to see some Excellent Córdobanian Treats. #
- #aphoristicwisdoms RT @MultWashington fit cankles is the phenotype #
- following exploits of hip underground performance artist Washi Multiplas as he exploits the hip underground artscene with #elarteperformance #
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