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Weekly Tweet Digest – 2012-08-19

  • realized that "yerba mate" has the same number of syllables as "hallelujah." so now i'm singing that Leonard Cohen song about tea. #
  • @kateulinah a coworker just showed me this song. I need a trove of songs just like it, for all time. in reply to kateulinah #
  • Poopheist Prevention Technique? (Cc @plasticbrentley) #
  • @MultWashington enduring inaccurate excitement is what makes this human race endure. –Abraham Einstein in reply to MultWashington #
  • "Imagine June Cleaver as the Allmother, great bronzebosomed Eve suckling scions of her flesh until mountains turn to ash." – in a work email #
  • tiny toad at work. #
  • New game: Step 1: play "how many teeth can I use in a single smile" at gas station after gas station in rural NC. Step 2: win every time. #
  • Pretty hilarious. RT @brainpicker: […] Charles Darwin's 1838 list of the pros and cons of marriage #
  • Related to previous RT @newscientist: Scent of #sex and death attracts virgin female #beetles #
  • @tiffaniangus in regard to this news item, I frown. in reply to tiffaniangus #
  • New game: furrow brow. Keep furrowing until my face becomes a chasm. Air falls inward. My forehead creates a vortex consumes the sky #Ladies #
  • Trip books decision: interlinear Dante is a given, Murakami, chabon, Proust, Pound, O'Connor's letters, Lafferty, Borges collected, Fowles #
  • …Faulkner, Barthelme, Salinger, Kim Stanley Robinson, Wallace Stevens, Woolf's letters, Thurber's letters, W C Williams, or Dinesen. #
  • Or this mold ravaged copy of the 1001 nights wrapped in plastic that I can't unseal without approval from the CDC but refuse to throw away. #
  • Or Solzhenitsyn, Delany, Graham Greene, Rushdie, or Huxley. #
  • And ehhhhhhhh I forgot I had this copy of Villon with the French side-by-side ehhhhh why is life so hard #
  • found while packing: programme from a friend's piano recital in 2007; one sheet of blank green paper, folded into quarters; a camping spoon. #
  • @rstevens I see this stat, and think of your fan club: in reply to rstevens #
  • ghost town : unused movie set :: events : story #
  • world record in awkward high fives: got #
  • @damiengwalter what writer or book is, in your opinion, #RequiredReading for knowing London? #
  • New game: make dinosaur noises in my cube until someone says, "Clever girl." 20 min so far. "shut up" and "I'm on the phone" = louder growls #
  • @mynameis_shoe tomorrow is my last day before I move to Italy, so mostly now c) explaining my job to replacements. in reply to mynameis_shoe #
  • @felixgilman only six and she's already marring stoops? what ambition. when I was six maybe I could have defaced a stepladder, nothing more. in reply to felixgilman #
  • @felixgilman the police are especially offended by chalk because their detective priest cult outlines the dead, & they hold the stuff sacred in reply to felixgilman #
  • blowing hookah smoke into coke bottle bubbles is more fun than possibly it should be #
  • More like potomotry-GONE. #
  • Good night iPhone, good night desk, good night time track, good night super Mario stein, good night dev team, good night vcs, good night all #
  • 'i love dogs, just love em, yes. They are my fur children.' – my neighbor #
  • Literally none of these signs address me as 'senor pasajero' #disrespectable #

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