- Just bought an unlined moleskine, at @documentingme’s behest. We’ll see how it reacts to black pelican fountain pen ink… #
- @pendemonium well crap. might as well fill it up anyway… but i’ve been looking for a good notebook for a long time; any recommendations? #
- trying to run. last time i tried that i got 1/4 of a mile before my hamstring jumped ship. let’s stay on the boat, gentlemen. #
- leg still mostly intact. we shall see, however, if that state maintains course. (my extremities require nautical metaphors, apparently) #
- and, if that sounds weird, there is _biblical precedent_ for applying nautical terms to body parts. i follow an honored tradition. #
- also, if we’re talking about distance, which i think we are or could be, i ran 2.60692872 nautical miles. (did that in my head, yeah) #
- so as rad as i looked friday, i now resemble a q-tip wearing a mustard argyle cardigan. for the win, gentlemen. for the win. #
- is it the hour that the ship comes in? #
- listening to the pixies. makes me hanker rock band. from now on, i will alternate guitar and vocals. @mathiasreese can keep the drums. #
- @pelargir this is a true thing. but many things are useful that i don’t want to resemble. like oil rigs, horses, trees, tools, & vegetables #
- just had an epiphany about worth & value. my heart is full, cheesy as that sounds. this burst of hope enables me to love what’s worthwhile. #
- *angels singing angels singing* i’m cheesing myself out a bit. sorry about that, lads. #
- (listening to the pixies’s “wave of mutilation” as reorientation device) #
- rt @brianwood: “It is easier to find a labyrinth than a guiding path” – Comenius #
- tattoo ideas: white picket fence arm band; sleeve of twisting trees; solid black or double solid black wedding band, primo poetry in script #
- one more tattoo idea: “the centre cannot hold” in a circle around my belly button… #
- @documentingme so you’re still rocking the accent? it’s hard to get rid of. this sometimes creates awkward social situations. cherish them. #
- @shortcutie10 that’s not entirely true. npr, at least, tweets more than i do. #
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