- how am i supposed to choose between little brother, anathem, and the graveyard book? not that i can vote, but still. http://is.gd/o7bQ #
- but if i had to pick, i’d pick little brother, by @doctorow, for best novel based on its treatment of ideas, freedom, and government. #hugo #
- also it’s brilliantly written, a ton of fun, and super fast. the other two were excellent in their own way (& i haven’t read zoe’s tale yet) #
- read “little brother” for free, on @doctorow’s site: http://tinyurl.com/55a6qs (great book.) #
- @nrose i’m more interested in what he does w/ etymology and language, evolution of culture, etc, than the rest of the plot. in reply to nrose #
- @elleeffect I’ll chant and chant and chant this anthem in reply to elleeffect #
- today is the day, but not the only day. #
- @jodikatherine that is the most endearing presidential move he’s made so far. garden = instant likability. in reply to jodikatherine #
- @nalohopkinson seconded. very well put. currently despair is going all argus panoptes on me, and i have no flute or spoken charms. in reply to nalohopkinson #
- dear all: http://tinyurl.com/c2zz8x via @claytoncubbitt #
- #newmusic Gui Boratto, Take My Breath Away. Good background music; melodic, fairly varied techno. Best: “Eggplant” (thanks, @jephjacques) #
- spent lunch meandering around durham, looking for trains and playing songs with @tofermoran. found a tom sawyer-ish hollow under the tracks. #
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