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Weekly Tweet Digest – 2012-04-29

  • gene porting per environment RT @nalohopkinson: … imagine how this is going to change science fiction! #xna #dna #rna #
  • yet another reason why I love France: RT @FRANCE24: Twitter users circumvent French law with #WWII codes #Radiolondres #
  • Zounds. #
  • learning language as terraforming thought topography; logic process geometry; metaphors: flora as climate placeholder, fauna as motive map. #
  • "Идет бычок, качается, /
    Вздыхает на ходу: /
    – Ох, доска кончается, /
    Сейчас я упаду!" — nursery rhyme #
  • Count Dushku #
  • @monicabyrne13 the two forms of "to be" in Spanish, also. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • @vyemoran @allisonicole86 as if anybody needed more reasons to live there. in reply to vyemoran #
  • CPR on a bag of chips #
  • @ferretthimself SIR. SIR I SALUTE YOUR CHOICES SIR. in reply to ferretthimself #
  • "hmm, cookie dough. this will be the fourth time I have brushed my teeth today." — @danaROrana, dental hygiene enthusiast #
  • @ferretthimself so tempting. Alas, I will attend neither. Are you in new England? I may make a trip up there this summer… in reply to ferretthimself #
  • @ferretthimself yes, please. I shake you warmly by the hand, and will do so in person One Day Soon. in reply to ferretthimself #
  • It's a shame: every time I try to write "soon" I type "doom." #
  • Making list of all the things the art world has taken from me. Short list. So far: the ability to use the word "statuesque" with precision. #
  • I wonder if my phone has realized yet that I will want to type "the" much more often than "ye." Apparently not. #
  • Oh man this lady on "the state of things" is huffing her own brain fumes. #
  • @MollyRingwald does she rinse it out, or leave it bristling? in reply to MollyRingwald #
  • Listening to "the state of things." tammy talks like a politician, keeps spewing the same sound bite. #
  • Also tammy on "the state of things" considers "civil rights" to apply excusively to African Americans? #
  • "there is no legal or natural right to same sex marriage." — Tammy, guest on "the state of things" #
  • anyway, now @monicabyrne13 is on "The State of Things," on WUNC 91.5 FM, talking about her new play, WHAT EVERY GIRL SHOULD KNOW #
  • The pro-amendment spokesperson on @wunc's @state_of_things today is named Tami Fitzgerald. #
  • She called legally recognized marriage btw homosexual people "imposed redefinition of marriage" that went against all time human definition. #
  • RT @Vote4MarriageNC: Chairwoman Tami Fitzgerald during an interview with John Roberts of Fox News. #4MarriageNC #
  • no no see of course you know what I respect most about you is your loud & pseudosassy conformity. please tell this story for the third time. #
  • @monicabyrne13 how passionate she is protecting those she considers her people–what wonderful work she could do if she loved widely instead in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • @monicabyrne13 but then, "you would be a good person if you were a different person" is not really much salve. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • @vyemoran crossing my fingers even now. in reply to vyemoran #
  • Quod tu es, ego fui; quod nunc sum, et tu eris. #
  • Best part of a diverse workplace: just clarified the difference between коллега (colleague) & товарищ (comrade, no longer used w/o irony). #
  • Aberrant monstrosity #wotd is "biffle." Usage: I would rather plant bot flies in my sinuses than use the word "biffle." #bfl #
  • Уронили мишку на пол,
    Оторвали мишке лапу.
    Все равно его не брошу —
    Потому что он хороший. — nursery rhyme about a teddy bear #
  • Makkad-man, makkad-man. does anything that a makkad-man does. #
  • Same cocoa puff, same coco chanel #
  • tribal Jesus fish SUV window decal sighting. #
  • Capitalism considered as an elaborate experiment to create human veal from future generations of rich folk. Clan Kardashian Kobe-style pork. #
  • "It’s worth considering the idea that we won’t." RT @damiengwalter: How will writers make a living in the future? #
  • @damiengwalter writers maybe won't get paid then, but people will always compensate effective storytelling (not that money = only method) in reply to damiengwalter #
  • @damiengwalter when humans stop telling stories, it will be time to redefine the species. in reply to damiengwalter #
  • @pata_sucia The best teacher eval is a column of unlabeled bubbled-in pencil marks on loose leaf. Grade that on a curve, Dr Fancyletters. in reply to pata_sucia #
  • So thrush is a disease. Makes me wonder what symptoms 'flamingo' expresses. #
  • @dropping_dombs i heard that contracting the gay leads to voting and sometimes vegetarianism. are these diseases linked. #thedearabbyagenda in reply to dropping_dombs #
  • @rquat people make stories all the time; comparing experience is how most people relate. we'll always pay for stories, esp pleasurable ones. in reply to rquat #
  • @danaROrana while we, on the other hand, are like sauce and meatballs. In a word: awesome. #dang #welldaaaaang cf @dropping_dombs in reply to danaROrana #
  • Let's build a future in which no sane person would dare to grow old. #tcot #
  • There is a fracture. (via my father) #
  • @monicabyrne13 good resources. I'm going to gather a list of language resources–prep for Belize, maybe. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
  • "would someone give me a loan? I'd like to purchase that scone. my closet song is a koan. solution? gargle that 'trón." –kanye #
  • Finished a very rough draft of a short story last night. Learned not to let so much time worm between initial impetus & final work. #
  • Hemingway: kind of a dick, but also correct. RT @brainpicker: "Forget your personal tragedy…" Hemingway to Fitzgerald #
  • @mkazoo thanks! Also: envious of last night's show. And how. in reply to mkazoo #
  • @tdelucci I've read the comic, but I'm watching 'Akira' for the first time. in reply to tdelucci #

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