- haec omnia vulnera belli tibi nunc sananda sunt #
- "But officer, he said 'totes, bro' to me." is APPARENTLY not a sufficient excuse for lighting a person on fire. #nojury #
- Shang Tsung with the stars #television #
- They said, "Nepal," but I said, "Yes." #
- @JulieByrneHUCS i wanted that link to the study re: autistic children & fake impossible tasks to be a gallery of kids making derisive faces. #
- @JulieByrneHUCS possibly with captioned rebukes to the scientists. #
- the new day is a sandbar; you are a bewildered pilot whale cut off from your pod. your usual senses lie. beach yourself & learn of the sun. #
- @kateulinah how else to reach the sun? in reply to kateulinah #
- @kateulinah like that bowl of petunias #notagain in reply to kateulinah #
- When you say, "don't be so hard on yourself," are you referring to scratch or rebound? #
- For a gentleman who owns but the one pair of trousers, jorts are a Decision. #
- Oh no, Harry smized at Katniss! Don't tell Edward, he'll get Ke$ha to sing that song about starships again. #thekids #sohip #rightnow #
- Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict– *hurled into gorge, screaming* #
- replace moments of silence with moments of fugazi #
- sai melt any us come bus tea on #
- just promise. to use all. parts of the marmoset. #
- #KnuckleTats right hand L E F T, and left hand I G H T with the R painted on my thumbnail. #
- @themattlondon I have replaced all my blood with jealousy. Scorsese is the best. in reply to themattlondon #
- Fifty shades of wu-tang #betterbooks #
- @ferretthimself if you're really lucky the revamped scope is for an amphibious moon lander, & the specs are hand motions & whooshing sounds. in reply to ferretthimself #
- if one were to baste the world with dr pepper \ all the world would taste of dr pepper #
- Tying hard not to be too inspired by this lady in jean capris smoking an entire slim cigarette at the gas pump. #YOLO #andBriefly #
- Woke up, can't sleep. Maybe I'll fly to New York City. #
- Boarded, on the runway. Got patted down again. #themodeltraveler #amerrrricaaaa #
- Neu Jourque. Finally, we'll discover where brooklyn at. #
- "Oedipus sheets, kind of a great marketing idea. They're for your queen sized bed." — @vyemoran #
- To Coney Island with my homeboys, to check all the archetypal carnival metaphors and think about Tom Waits and ogle the aquabestiary. #
- Watched walruses feeding, whistling, chuffing. #
- in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni #
- So @tofermoran, who no longer uses twitter at all, has just designed the best tattoo for me. Tomorrow this will go on my body. #
- @Cait_Elizabeth yessss in reply to Cait_Elizabeth #
- Watching all my British buddies hate the insectmother's #jubilee is one of the best things. Heh, monarchy. #
- @plasticbrentley @tofermoran JACKALS CARRYING LOADS OF STICKS AND LIKE A THOUSAND CROWS JUST CIRCLING. in reply to plasticbrentley #
- @plasticbrentley @danarorana @tofermoran tofer just lives like YODA — You Only Draw All of the tattoos. in reply to plasticbrentley #
- @rquat yesssss. Or I can disrupt your wedding? in reply to rquat #
- @ferretthimself the sequel to Daniel Defoe's "Moll Flanders" is "In Flanders Field," isn't it? in reply to ferretthimself #
- @tofermoran @plasticbrentley crossed paths with a pot of jackal buttermilk. What do I do. #
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