- New game: from within heap of books taller than yourself, bellow nonsense words. when the police come for you tell them they oppose literacy #
- Maybe there'll be a bakery hiring… We'll knead a little bit of dough to get by. #groans via @mewithoutyou #
- @othersome *loathesome #angriesttableflip #likeever in reply to othersome #
- just realized that probably nobody will ever carve my face into alabaster. not even the cheap alabaster from bath and body works. #
- Maybe if I sweat through a few more shirts? #
- @mkazoo true! if your burial shroud doesn't smell like a gym sock from all the Efforts & Results, you get about zero ritual carved effigies. in reply to mkazoo #
- All human activity, summarized. MT @mkazoo: Will Sweat For Effigies. #
- you are all invited to help me build a secret base that is a hut in the desert and nobody including us is allowed to know where it is. #
- @monicabyrne13 and segwants. in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- Stately plump buck mulligan tripping down the stairs, spilling shave water on moe and larry. #
- postcisely. supracisely. übercisely. #
- Termites ain't nothing but tree mites misspelled. #
- and when erosion punches a hole in the urn, ashes pouring out until the heap plugs the breach. #
- @hollyblack I want actual production covers in this style. in reply to hollyblack #
- a society dressed like this: http://t.co/BJ9dkB22 #
- @kellanbc our species sticks googly eyes on the dark matter core of the universe in reply to kellanbc #
- I can't look at the new & absurd catwoman cover and not think "professor ratigan?" http://t.co/kYBDd68K #hyperphotorealism #
- @othersome I've got a copy of perfect dark that I don't need, if you want it. in reply to othersome #
- Surprised that @campbellsoupco doesn't have any Vietnamese products. They already make such great faux soups. #
- when is the Internetbeast going to photoshop a human buttock onto a calico #
- @thedombshelter the simulated south is the best place in history besides maybe ancient greece in reply to thedombshelter #
- "To match the shoes with the jacket is fey. To match the shoes with the hat is taste." — Gene Wilder #
- I miss the sensation of passing time. #
- Flight of the Were-Centaurnicorn #title #
- I KNEW IT. #milchangst #proof RT @newscientist: Milk fats clue to inflammatory bowel disease http://t.co/DZuwr7KT #
- file version control systems are like a sword fight: you must synch first, before you move. #
- Like Project Gutenberg for folk songs. Endless spelunking possibilities: http://t.co/lPYVU15v #
- The art I enjoy most is usually either defined by duende, Ã la Lorca http://t.co/7pZDiBML or suffused by quiet, innocent joy (e.g. Miyazaki) #
- if duende describes what Tom Waits has, what word describes Miyazaki? #
- @monicabyrne13 duende, joy, and a third dimension of surprise in reply to monicabyrne13 #
- Back to lycos, do you reckon? #
- some days you wake up to hashtags like #malthusianeverest and wonder that the species has lasted even this long #
- @pmberger @monicabyrne13 those are closer, I think. is there a word for the joy of exploration? in reply to pmberger #
- @_algaePS not scorch so much as soothe, I think. in reply to _algaePS #
- You want me to pay? But usually der Frust is comped. #
- Traum und Frieden. Was hienieden /
unruhvoll das Herz verstört, /
senkt sich in des Traumes Tiefen. # - @qikipedia truffle sniffing? chariot drawing? strawmen in political debate? drone pilots? Surely you can admit living uses of the pig. in reply to qikipedia #
- yours truly enjoys those occasions wherein others refer to him sportingly by a common euphemism for amyl nitrate, and a sizable dose thereof #
- the hiss a soda makes as you open it; the sound of aluminum cans scraping across a plastic desk; cans filled with corn-based synthetic lymph #
- Marc Quinn — Self http://t.co/zC4aLecO (self-portrait in frozen blood) #
- @plasticbrentley you could butter a crumpet with that particular gentleman. in reply to plasticbrentley #
- bloomsday. #
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