Think of anything, of cowboys, of movies, of detective stories, of anybody who goes anywhere or stays home and is an American and you will realize that it is something strictly American to conceive a space that is filled with moving, a space of time that is filled always filled with moving … — Gertrude […]
“I hunt chickens; men hunt me. All the chickens are just alike, and all the men are just alike. And, in consequence, I am a little bored. But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. I shall know the sound of a step that will […]
When you undertake to make a work of art—a novel or a clay pot—you’re not competing against anybody, except yourself and God. Can I do it better this time? — Ursula K Le Guin, from her essay The Stone Ax and the Muskoxen, collected in The Language of the Night.
“Library collections don’t imply endorsement; they imply access to the many different ideas of our culture, which is precisely our purpose in public life.” — Jamie LaRue, librarian. (via Neil Gaiman) In honor of, and in reaction to, banned book week. Citizens, please note the distinction between “parent” and “government.” A well-considered response.
I recieved some very exciting news yesterday, but I can’t say anything about it just yet. But soon. O yes, so soon. Until then, let your joy be as full as mine:
A month or so ago I watched Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist and loved it (Michael Cera exudes the Neeson effect: he makes otherwise mediocre movies watchable). After draining my heart of sap build-up, I started thinking about the idea of mixing music; how to do it, what holds songs together, the purpose of a […]
[youtube PRuTRfHOQYM nolink]
I haven’t posted anything in a month besides Twitter digests, and I think we all know those don’t count. I’m 35 responses behind, at least, not counting music. But I can explain all this away: I’ve been writing short stories for the past month. Mostly just one short story, actually. “But how can that be?” […]
Saturday, January 31, 2009
It’s nearly impossible to describe dreams in any kind of intelligible manner, so I’ll lay this down how I remember it, and if it drives you into the night wailing, so be it. You had fair warning. I was in the North Carolina woods; they were mostly pines, and I remember a thick cover of […]
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Last weekend, a friend and I drove down to Columbia, SC to see some friends, enjoy some time away, fellowship with one another, etc. He designs gardens, so for the whole drive down he’d break out of conversation every half hour or so and rant about the different sorts of plants he saw on the […]