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Category Archives: Interesting Nuggets

That is all, gentlemen.

I don’t know these fellows, but I wish I did. Such style and grace. And they’re playing go.

Heartbreak & Apology

I was a bit skeptical, but this is truly moving. Big Bird singing at Jim Henson’s funeral. Via Boing Boing. In other news, I have been reading & so forth, but work has been nuts for the past month & change, and the blog has suffered. I’ll update more when all is calm again. I’ll […]

Because I’m not a good blogger

I haven’t posted anything recently, but I figure this will tide over the four people reading this until I post overly long critiques of relatively obscure literature. Nom nom, etc.  I, for one, welcome our zombie overlords.

Here When It All Gets Weird

Read this article by Douglas Rushkoff. It’s a brilliant analysis of our current and past financial situation, and he puts it simply so the reader doesn’t need advanced degrees in economics to understand. The history portion of the article was interesting, and certainly helped me understand how we arrived at the crisis, but his solution […]

The Beard Off

It’s a duel. Involving shaving. Image courtesy of Tofer Moran.

Radiohead + Christopher Walken = Gold Record

This Flash app takes a song you upload and fills it with, as you might expect from the name, more cowbell—on beat, if it can. Then it inserts snippets of the Saturday Night Live sketch at random intervals (Christopher Walken & Will Ferrell dialogue, primarily) and saves the resulting file on their server. They keep […]

Orwell’s Diaries

The Orwell Prize has started a blog, in which they’ll post the diary entries of George Orwell, every day, what he wrote on that day. They’ll also post helpful notes by Peter Davison, who edited the Complete Works. Today is the first one, from August 9th, 1938. On that day, Orwell picked up a snake […]

Chinese Oppression and American Hypocrisy

Reading this article, from Reuters, adds to my overall distaste for the People’s Republic of China. When I read it for the first time, I thought it was a parody in poor taste, possibly from the Onion, or something similar, submitted by mistake. But it’s not; it’s as real as Tienanmen Square, China’s continued occupation […]


So I found an efficient, very cheap way to keep track of my budget.  And I’m all about cheap (or free) things. It’s a site called Neobudget, and it’s based on the envelope method (which they explain).  It took me a little while to get into it, because I’m lazy, but budgeting by envelopes is […]

Writer lists are hard to make

The SFX Magazine list of science fiction and fantasy’s top 100 writers surprised me, especially when I scanned the full 100.  These sorts of lists always degrade into a sort of desert island scenario for me, and I spend more time rearranging people than reading more good books (which is all I want the list […]