- Squishing raw hamburger into a patty for grilling. It looks like a brain. #
- Burger, chips/salsa, and cabernet sauvignon. Dinner of the bold. #
- writing before i keel over. don’t know the cause of this new brain failure. maybe some exotic sinus flu of some sort? #
- Writing downstairs so i won’t get distracted (and so fritter my life away on these internets). #
- My crippling brain funk rewarded by writing a flash fiction piece. We’ll see if it’s readable tomorrow, when I can judge more objectively. #
- @MaryRobinette I just listened to Chrysalis. (I know, late to the party…) You write happy endings very well; that’s hard to do. Great job! #
- Tentatively calling the flash piece I finished writing tonight “Lion of the Sun, Serpent in the Trees.” So happy to have finished something. #
- @documentingme LOOK OUT LOOK OUT LOOK OUT LOOK OUT screech. in reply to documentingme #
- @dieffenderfer welcome back. #
- it’s an edith piaf morning. man, i wish i knew french. (and russian and spanish and icelandic and arabic and german and and and…) #
- @greggrunberg when i glance pensively I make the ladies sigh, “Très bien.” #
- John Updike died today. #
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